Affluence As Challenge

TUES., APR. 2, 1991, 9:05 AM

You are privileged to be an affluent person in an affluent culture. You have the burden of being an affluent person in an affluent culture. Both. The challenge is to live your affluent life as gently and unselfishly as you can. I have told you of this in many ways in many teachings. You need to hear it once again, o son, for affluence can be a rival to spirituality.

Your class met at the Farm last evening, and you simulated a Third World meal. There was sufficient food for… as some probably did not relish just beans and rice and ate some more “affluent food” later. Yet the table, with its matched plates, silver, and goblets reflected some affluence. The furniture is not affluent, and the general appearance of the room is far from ostentatious. You have one affluent car, which was a gift. This is more than matched by your disreputable but serviceable truck. You and Lenore dress simply and modestly, and of this I approve.

I realize, certainly, how the wealth of the earth is distributed unequally. Though you expect Me to favor more equitable and fair distribution I say again that I am basically satisfied with the earth and what goes on in it, for I see much spiritual growth… for this is My focus. It is challenging to be poor and suffer from this poverty. It also is challenging to have all that you have and deal with it in spiritual ways. I urge you to share your wealth with people, organizations and causes that speak to your spirit. It is good that Lenore arranged for money to help Larry and Bonnie. Yet it also is appropriate for you to have some chagrin about their spending habits and their display of affluence they do not have.

You have affluence, but display it minimally. Of this I approve. As you live this way I shall continue to bless you and provide for your needs. Be less concerned about saving and building for your retirement. Rather, be concerned with giving to meet needs of others. Realize the resentful feelings that arise with certain requests. Counter these with these assurances from Me and gently let them ebb. In your culture it is not reasonable to trust in Me fully, but I ask this unreasonable behavior of you.

This is an affluent trip, even as most of the expense will be paid by funds other than your own. Continue your practice of living frugally in the midst of the affluence of the convention site. Remember that your major task, assigned by Me, is to talk with people about spirit as a prime health factor. Seek some out. Respond as others seek your company. Don’t be obnoxious, but be the self that you want to be… as I want you to be.

It will be acceptable to talk to Matthew about the Foundation idea. It could be a good use for a small portion of his wealth. You know that I say this only with the assurance that you will use this “extra” money to benefit others, as the requests reach your spirit. This would be a challenge comparable to that of having less money… just different. It would free you to do more with these Teachings, as well as other writings relative to spirit and health. Yes, share this Teaching with Matthew, but do not push the idea if it doesn’t reach his spirit.

Continue to make your students aware of the ways in which affluence affects health. Challenge them to see their relative affluence, in money and what it can buy and also in ideas and concepts. Teach that as one has affluence in matters spiritual health is greatly enhanced… more so that through expensive medical care. The fullest health is evidenced by a feeling of oneness with Me, with friends and family, with students, and with all of creation. Enjoy the experiences of life, no matter what their apparent “content.” I recommend affluence in your enjoyment.

TUES., APR. 2, 1991, 9:05 AM

You are privileged to be an affluent person in an affluent culture. You have the burden of being an affluent person in an affluent culture. Both. The challenge is to live your affluent life as gently and unselfishly as you can. I have told you of this in many ways in many teachings. You need to hear it once again, o son, for affluence can be a rival to spirituality.

Your class met at the Farm last evening, and you simulated a Third World meal. There was sufficient . . .

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