Again, And Again

February 19, 1980, 5:39 AM

You come this morning, o son, to seek wisdom that may be of help in the discussion group this morning.  This is a wise use of this early morning hour.  Your grasp of the realities of life of which you should know is developing well.  You are not yet close to full enlightenment, but your growth along the path is commendable.

The principle of life that I, the Spirit, shall emphasize today can be called repetition… or again, and again, and…  I tell you again: few happenings of importance occur only once.  Or, the other way, there are repeated opportunities to do what I truly want you to do.  The earth experience is an important one, and the Bible is about the earth.  It is a complete revelation of Me… yet I can never be circumscribed within any Book.  It says all, and yet there is infinitely more to say.

(Do not be fearful of the words and ideas that come.  I have given you an insight that is not common among Christians.  You must develop it and make it known, gently and cautiously.  There is no hurry, but neither is there reason to hold back if I am ready for you to move along.)

Consider the beauty of again, and again.  You await the Spring, and it shall come.  It shall be like all Springs, like some other Springs, and, yet, like no other Spring ever has been.  It is an eternal recurrence, and yet it shall be Spring, 1980… one that is coming into being for the first and only time.  Which is it?  Must it be one or the other?  Does looking at its individuality negate its repetitiveness?  Or does seeing its “againness” spoil its oneness?  You can feel the answers to these questions.

You can know, negatively, that looking only at the repeating nature of Spring can engender boredom (I like big, powerful words this morning!).  Likewise seeing only the oneness can bring frustration, for it passes along so rapidly.

Balance this with the positive.  You can enjoy the unique, developing experience of each day of this Spring, with little need to consider that it is also on its way to extinction.  Spring, this year, will be over, but only because Summer will have come.  The demise of one season is the commencement of another.  Life continues.  In a different form.

The other day you looked at a color photo of the Farm in the lush green of summer.  It surprised you… in the stark drabness of winter.  How many times have you experienced the green of Summer?  And yet the memory of it had faded as you saw only the reality of Winter.

This is somewhat the way it is with human lives. As you experience life in intensity and concentrate upon its realities the memories of former lives are dim or non-existent.  This is all right, but it is also commendable to have a sense of this life as a continuing essence and this time in the earth as one of perhaps many.  It does not necessarily hurt the appreciation of this coming Spring to see it as one of many recurring seasons.  It can give a perspective that comes close to Mine.

Under the ground are iris tubers.  Each Spring the leaves arise.  They are brand new, and yet, from the same tuber has come leaves… and flowers… many times before.  It is new or is it repetition?  Need it be one or the other?

You wonder if, for some, the experience of life in the earth is only once.  Because your life has been again, and again, is it necessarily for all.  My answer this day, o eternal son, is that there are OPPORTUNITIES for life in the earth as a way of moving along the path toward enlightenment and unselfishness.  In this sense it is not like the seasons that must follow each other in succession.  Yet without the circumscription of time (enjoy the big words!) the difference is not so great.

Do not feel undue pride in your understandings.  Do not bother measuring yourself against others.  Simply know what you know… thank Me… and move on to knowing more.  Share along the path, but do not wound any spirit with what you know.  Be My servant… as you have been before, and shall continue to be.

Amen and again, Amen

6:45 AM