Again! Health Is Positive

THURS., SEPT. 23, 1999, 12:40 PM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, am going to keep reminding you that your professional career has been health… and health is a positive concept and condition. There is a relationship with medicine, which is concerned with ill-health, the departures from full-functioning which certainly are part of life. You see that medicine is dominant in your culture partly because it is the response to a more negative perception of life. True, its goal is to restore health, but many of the conditions of ill-health, particularly in you older folk, are going to persist, so that a dominant feature of life can become taking medication, enduring treatments, and expending time and money on these attempts to restore well-being.

One of My important imperatives, for you, is and will be the need to “accent the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with Mr. In-between.” I realize it will be impossible to realize this completely, but let it be like a vital mantra, a goal to be everpresent.

It can never be clinically proven, but I say that a positive attitude and “your hand in Mine, spiritually” are the hallmarks of health, whatever the bodily conditions. That is to say, you’ll live longer and the life lived will be fuller when you see each day as a positive, healthy opportunity to serve Me… and others… in some ways.

This “service” that I favor is of many “kinds.” Some of it is obvious as you actively do for others, what is needed or just desirable. You have given up the writing of your church’s newsletter, and that was a service of many years, appreciated by some. You still serve as Clerk of your Session, and this month you have written the Minutes for the meeting the day of the meeting. Now be sure that they are as accurate as you can make them… and be pleased that this service was done promptly.

This Ruminations that you should have commenced today (and still might) may be a mite late, for I want you to make it as positive as possible, even as it focuses, somewhat, on your own cancer… and, hence, mortality. You have a sense of how it should be written, and, certainly, I shall help. I want it to be quite a positive affirmation of the fun and pleasures of this life you have had AND of the faith in and knowledge of the reality and promise of life in the spirit, which shall be yours to enjoy and contribute to, after you drop this body. I want it to be such a Letter, for it is “of interest” to Me, Holy Spirit.

I hear your prayers for Dyer (though they have not yet been excessive), and I am considering his life, as it has been, and what it could be, continuing there on earth or on to some spirit realm. In some ways he has lived positively and contributed to life. In more important ways, from My humble (ha! Ha!) perspective, he has not done well in spiritual growth, development, and maturity. This doesn’t mean he’ll “go to hell”, but it does mean that the evaluation of his life, when this bodily portion is over, will not be as positive as he, and I, would like it to be. He just hasn’t progressed as he could have.

And this last portion of his earth life shall be important. He is already being “sucked into” the medical model, with its multiple, recommended treatments and their attempts at relief from side-effects. A giant task it is to remain positive while these procedures are “done to you.” The hope, of course, is there finally will be complete recovery, with no further need for attention to symptoms.

This is more possible for him, at his age, than it is for you, at yours. Yet it also is true that once your… or any… body allows the growth of cancer cells there is less chance that the rest of this life will be completely cancer-free. Why do I, a loving God, allow this? I’ll just say… for the best balance of life forms. I see the perception of devout Hindus as quite an appropriate one – when it is time to “drop the body”… do so, with thanks and with expectations for further life opportunities.

THURS., SEPT. 23, 1999, 12:40 PM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, am going to keep reminding you that your professional career has been health… and health is a positive concept and condition. There is a relationship with medicine, which is concerned with ill-health, the departures from full-functioning which certainly are part of life. You see that medicine is dominant in your culture partly because it is the response to a more negative perception of life. True, its goal is to restore health, but many of the conditions of ill-health, particularly in you older folk . . .

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