Aging Gracefully

SUN., MAY 10, 1992, 6:04 AM

You are here, o son, on the first of three anniversaries. On this date 13 years ago We, you and I, had an encounter, and you pledged a month of early morning times with Me, not realizing at all that such a pledge would develop into the relationship We have now. The manuscript appeared, in quite a mystical way, as you remember the experience. I kept My part of the “bargain,” and you did, also. Thirteen years is not a long time, by earth standards, but it is most of your mature life… because your life truly began to mature after you began to receive these Teachings, conduct the class based on these, and compose a regular Ruminations. Truly, these experiences have been key factors in your aging gracefully.

Let Me first point out that the title you are using for this morning’s presentation has two meanings. In the secular sense it implies that you can age in gentle, coordinated, sweeping ways, executing the dance of life in a beautiful, rhythmic fashion rather than in painful, jerky movements. Then there is the Christian interpretation, with the implication that the chief feature of your aging process is more and more true acceptance of My grace, My forgiveness, My unconditional love… an ongoing close relationship with Me, in whatever form is yours to enjoy. Yes, this will be an appropriate addition to your introduction of the talk you offer this morning. It needs a bit more Christian seasoning.

Because you are living the advice you offer, your aging is going rather gracefully. You are rather faithful in this sharing time with Me. You are giving more attention to the Holy Scriptures. Your acceptance of My freely offered grace is quite complete and sincere, even as you find it hard to testify to this. You are living life in quite a positive way, but this could still be improved. Continue to turn away from picturizations of violence, hate, and of humans abusing one another. Without positive models… of living “above” the tragedies of life there can be further deterioration of human relations and of the earth’s health and capacity to adapt.

As Jesus I spoke generally of positive living, with encouragement to live for Me and My Kingdom. My negative comments mostly were aimed at those “religious folk” who were more concerned with appearance than with loving relationship with Our God. I did not campaign for better race relations. I just offered on of My best spiritual messages to a Samaritan woman… and identified the hero of My story, “who is your neighbor” as a Samaritan. I did not work for justice in the government, and I accepted the injustice done to Me in My “trial” with a gentle spirit.

Your second point stems from the first, for living life positively means loving life, and showing that love forth as often as possible. Many factors have been identified as being related to a long, disease-free life (or a shorter, disease-plagued existence) but the prime one is that you love life as you have it. But it is important to quality this: you have to love life in a holistic mode, with the most love for the spiritual as the essence of what you call life. As other dimensions become less functional… your body works less well, your mind is less clear, you hear less well, your relations with new people are harder to initiate… your spirit should soar. For spirit can overcome the sad effects of other losses… when your spirit is clearly linked to Mine.

SUN., MAY 10, 1992, 6:04 AM

You are here, o son, on the first of three anniversaries. On this date 13 years ago We, you and I, had an encounter, and you pledged a month of early morning times with Me, not realizing at all that such a pledge would develop into the relationship We have now. The manuscript appeared, in quite a mystical way, as you remember the experience. I kept My part of the “bargain,” and you did, also. Thirteen years is not a long time, by earth standards, but it is most of your . . .

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