Ah, Pentecost!

WED., JUNE 10, 1987, 10:12 AM HST

Yes, o son, this title came to you after the last Teaching, now some days ago. You knew you would hear Me on this airborne trip, and you knew this title would be expanded. So let’s put these together and hear Me on relationship related to Pentecost. You can decide whether a copy shall eventually go to My fine servant Judy, who spoke well of Me last Sunday.

As I have told you before I have been around in the earth since creation, for I was, and am, a vital part of the creative process. I have had experiences of every conceivable nature, and, fundamentally, the earth scene is a better one because of My presence and activity. The most vital dimension of being is spiritual, and many humans know this, even as physical necessities and physical forms work against this knowledge and perception. My major role is to make real this spiritual dimension, and I do this often through arranging and encouraging relationships.

You know the story of Pentecost. I came as a whirling wind and as tongues of fire, which did grab the attention of the disciples and those with them. Then those I touched spoke in tongues that all could understand. Dramatically I came to counter the lesson of Babel. In this early happening I judged that close working relationships were drawing people away from reliance on Me, so I hindered communication and introduced the concept embodied in “you have to walk this lonesome valley, you have to walk it by yourself.” This is an important spiritual principle.

Yet any such strong premise must have its complement… its opposite, but not its competitor. Pentecost came and symbolized “No man is an island, no man stands alone.” Spiritual paths are traveled alone… and with others. The face and spirit of Christ shines forth from many faces and spirits. At Pentecost strange words became communicative, and there was a mystical sense of oneness. A wonderful time, certainly.

You heard the words of commitment on Sunday last that you remember well… “…study the peace, unity, and purity of the church.” The church, for all of its squabbling, disunity, and impurity is the mystical Body that began to take form at Pentecost. Yet even on that occasion some questioned whether those who spoke were intoxicated… and the church, its ministries and its evangels have ever seemed not quite what I, as the Christ spirit, wanted. Yes, I push for more unity and purity, but, through grace I also accept and bless the spiritual “gifts” that are offered to Me. Giving and receiving are always reciprocal in the life of spirit.

Relationships in spirit are the best that anyone can experience. Those who have developed well in spirit can experience more and more relationships as spiritual. At the other extreme, those of minimal spirit find such relationships threatening and painful, taking pains to deny that these even exist. Between the extremes are most humans, enjoying some spiritual interactions, but having many others not perceived as being anything but “natural.” Ah, Pentecost! How many small enactments occur every moment as the Christ spirit is recognized in some event, some interaction, some face or being.

Christmas is the symbol of My coming as the babe, Jesus. Easter is the symbol of My overcoming the supposed power of death and offering grace as the means to a developing spiritual life. Pentecost is the symbol of My active Presence, as the Holy Spirit, saying, “Look around… you don’t have to do it alone… accept the assistance that others can offer.” “Christ in you, the hope of glory!” And thus, in others… and in the church.

WED., JUNE 10, 1987, 10:12 AM HST

Yes, o son, this title came to you after the last Teaching, now some days ago. You knew you would hear Me on this airborne trip, and you knew this title would be expanded. So let’s put these together and hear Me on relationship related to Pentecost. You can decide whether a copy shall eventually go to My fine servant Judy, who spoke well of Me last Sunday.

As I have told you before I have been around in the earth since creation, for I . . .

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