Ah, Pentecost, II

SAT., JUNE 6, 1992, 6:20 AM

This is the season of the church year that you are helping to “make known.” Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and therefore this can be called the Pentecost Season. It is the remembrance of My coming, as the Holy Spirit, into the earth scene to counsel, to guide, to help humans lead their earth lives in ways that I modeled as Jesus.

I came as fire and as wind. I came as both light and heat, necessities for the good life. I came as the wind that both blows away the pollution of life and encourages the flame that does brighten and does warm. It is fitting that you, with whom I have this close, friendly relationship, will be assisting with the service tomorrow. It is, as it should be.

As I have told you often, I have been in the earth from its creation, for I influence all forms of life, not just human. Your culture and even the Christianity of your culture is not sufficiently aware of this wondrous web of life, of which I speak to you often. One of the prime spiritual tasks of being incarnated into the earth is to resist the temptation to be always No. 1, and, instead, to be an active, cooperating part of earth life, accepting My direction for ALL of it.

The spirit that is in humans should naturally reach out to the spirit in other life forms and in the earth itself. Your Christianity has rejected this notion as too idolatrous. Other spiritual paths have more freely acknowledged My manifestation in rocks, tress, and animals. Christians have pulled too far away from this and, instead, have made human life, and comfort in it, as the idol. As you know, it shall be very difficult for your culture and its Christianity to change its way of thinking and its actions that destroy the environment for the variety of life I desire.

As Holy Spirit, My power, influence, and attention are infinite. I am not bound by the limitations I have placed upon you humans. Spending “time” with you doesn’t prevent My attention and actions with many others. And, accordingly, My relations with humans does not prevent Me from influencing and helping myriad life forms, including spirits not incarnated. I have close, ongoing relations with angels, as an example.

So Pentecost is the remembrance of My coming, “officially” and permanently into the earth as the director of life. But for humans My coming was also the birthday of the Church. Symbolically I came as wind and fire to empower the disciples to tell the story of My life in the earth as Jesus, God Incarnate. Each listener heard the story in his own language and understood it. The Church, as My symbolic Body, has many “languages”… many ways of communicating the story of My desire that humans live their lives on active spiritual paths, all leading back to Me.

It is fitting, then, that on this Pentecost Sunday you shall reenact the Last Supper in Holy Communion. As Jesus I was about to give up My earth life in order that My Body might be mystically translated into this Church that now remembers Me and lives life in that remembrance. The Church was conceived in My life with My disciples and then was born as My Presence as Holy Spirit empowered them to Be… an expanding entity.

SAT., JUNE 6, 1992, 6:20 AM

This is the season of the church year that you are helping to “make known.” Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and therefore this can be called the Pentecost Season. It is the remembrance of My coming, as the Holy Spirit, into the earth scene to counsel, to guide, to help humans lead their earth lives in ways that I modeled as Jesus.

I came as fire and as wind. I came as both light and heat, necessities for the good life. I came as the wind that both blows away the pollution . . .

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