Aha! The Light Doth Shine

SUN., MAR. 8, 1998, 8:25 PM

Some commendable reading… yours over the last two days… a small, but important book. Why did you select it… or did you? You know from your long “history” with Me, even before these Teachings began, that I want you to know about life eternal in this particular way. This reading has been an important boost in the direction I want you to traverse.

Yes, it is a bit strange, for I approve of you being an active Presbyterian, even as you are a low level mystic. You are a Presbyterian because of the doctrine of pre-destination, one that cuts into the doctrine of free will. Accept that I interpret this in a both/and way: you, and every human, has what can be called free will… you can choose to do… or not to do… But then I say that because free will is a precious gift from Me, you can only have what I originally have – free will. And, as you might expect, My free will, if exerted against yours… or that of any other human or spirit of any kind… doth win out. I can allow you to choose in ways that I don’t approve, but your will cannot overcome Mine, if I so desire.

I have an incredible view of the earth scene… a long, detailed view of the past, a complete view of the present, and some marvelous capacities to see the future results of even complex human actions in the present. I can, for instance, foresee the results of what would seem to be an action (or an inaction) of which I would be expected to approve. I assess the consequences, and I then cause or allow something that you wouldn’t expect from Me… as an orthodox Christian.

In relation to continued life, in the body, or death, I sometimes abet recoveries and seem to answer prayers. Increasingly more often, however, I cause or allow death, for the advantages that will come from this… for the person, the family, and, more and more, for this unique planet, Earth. The perception and value that you are expressing increasingly – that it is better to anticipate the next life experience than to “hang on” here, as more of a burden than a real servant of Mine. As long as you can “represent Me” in ways of which I approve you are of value here. If you’re just “here” it becomes more desirable to “move on”.

Now for you this doesn’t depend on the kinds of actions that have characterized your life up until this year. You have “earned” some time of quiet contemplation, writing as you are now, or just reading or considering where you are in your total life journey.

The reading you just have completed (including some obvious re-reading from some earlier time) was another encouragement of the perception of life that I have recommended to you. You realize, of course, that this does not improve the relationship with sons #1 & #2, but perhaps you shall have opportunities to tell them of these truths to which I have led you. This reading has helped you recapture some of the struggle that went on in the church more than 1400 years ago, that not being a time of tolerance for views different for what was decided was Truth. You have noted that there was little mention of Me, Holy Spirit. I was there, and just as vital as I am now. Why didn’t I cause some different results? I didn’t, and I’m able to say the result was good for the fledgling church, but… it perhaps would have been as good if I have pushed in the direction I’m now recommending. Some “calls” are “close ones”!

One important re-realization I wanted you to experience in this reading is that, as you noted in Luke, “the Kingdom of God is within you”. I am not apart from you. Even more strongly, your essence is directly from Me and will eventually return to Me. You can say, of your body… “from dust I have come and to dust I shall return”. Your spirit, now an immortal soul because of its experiences, in this life and some before, has come from Me, without diminishing Me in the least. You are developing this spirit, and it (you) shall return to me, some day, and I shall be enhanced, even as I don’t require such. It is a strange and wonderful “economy”… I can’t lose… I can only gain.

SUN., MAR. 8, 1998, 8:25 PM

Some commendable reading… yours over the last two days… a small, but important book. Why did you select it… or did you? You know from your long “history” with Me, even before these Teachings began, that I want you to know about life eternal in this particular way. This reading has been an important boost in the direction I want you to traverse.

Yes, it is a bit strange, for I approve of you being an active Presbyterian, even as you are a low level mystic. You are a Presbyterian because . . .

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