MON., OCT. 12, 1987, 7:17 AM

You are between conventions, with much to do, and yet you know that time with Me is just necessary. It now is the season for lighting fires and warming rooms up before you can function in them, so you will have to key your resolve to this fact. This is a fine, beautiful day, a perfect morning to tell you some of My thoughts on this potential scourge, AIDS. Phyllis requested, so I shall enlighten.

You know, certainly, that any disease caused by a microorganism is a part of the world that I have created. Nothing happens here in the earth of which I am not aware… or… I am fully aware of all that happens, including this disease. I shall simply attest that there are many potential happenings that I do prevent, for the consequences would be more undesirable than I want for the earth. This is an important perspective. I still am in charge of this earth, and I can and do prevent or reduce conditions that could develop but that I see as wrong.

Now the alternatives, which some people, even some Christians prefer, are two. One, I either do not have the power to prevent or stem such conditions (which would include disasters of all sorts, including your right front tire) or I have lost such power… or purposely given it up. This means that I cannot be held responsible for a disease such as AIDS. It has developed without My knowing it… or its nature is something My limited power (however it was lost) cannot control.

The second alternative is that there is counter force in the earth, the evil force of Satan. The story of how this happened is wild and incomplete, but some people see it as truth. In this understanding AIDS could be caused by satan just to harass and embarrass Me, as in the story of Job. Again, I either am not powerful enough to overcome this devilish plague or I won’t because somehow this earth is the devil’s realm. I know there are Scriptural passages that suggest this truth so what I shall say now becomes “controversial,” because it seems to be counter to Holy Scripture.

Well, I’ll say it simply. Both of these alternatives are nonsense. But that means that I am responsible for AIDS, directly or indirectly. And I say to you that I have not caused this directly. It is not like the flood or the plague that killed Egyptians. I have caused destruction, and I may again, but this is not such an example.

I have been aware of its development… the mutation of a small bit of life, a virus, the susceptibility of certain people, and several means to carry the infection from one person to another. I am seeing this develop through the natural processes I have created, and it is fascinating, even as it obviously brings harm to some.

My judgment, at this time, is that there can be much spiritual growth come from this condition. Phyllis has offered us a fine example. She is giving of her time and energy, in great amounts, to an unpopular cause. This giving of self is a growth process, and she also will benefit from the support she gets… and also from the opposition. You have also seen filmed evidence of how this disease brings forth love and compassion… and then you read about fear and hate as other results. Even having the disease is an experience with much potential for spiritual growth.

MON., OCT. 12, 1987, 7:17 AM

You are between conventions, with much to do, and yet you know that time with Me is just necessary. It now is the season for lighting fires and warming rooms up before you can function in them, so you will have to key your resolve to this fact. This is a fine, beautiful day, a perfect morning to tell you some of My thoughts on this potential scourge, AIDS. Phyllis requested, so I shall enlighten.

You know, certainly, that any disease caused by a microorganism is a part of the world . . .

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