AIDS: A Spiritual Challenge

WED., DEC. 9, 1987, 5:54 AM

Last evening the class spent some time in discussion of the disease AIDS, which is now being portrayed as a pestilence that shall devastate the world population. I am quite aware of this earthly disease, for the creative processes that I have originated are responsible for the sickness and death that the disease produces. I have not deliberately instituted AIDS as the action of a wrathful God, but I am part of the process. Yes, I could have prevented this, as I do much potential harm to humans in the earth. I haven’t, so there must be some spiritual challenge to humans in this era.

For you, and for most Americans, the experience of knowing someone who dies from AIDS is still not a personal one. You know that it exists, and you do not disbelieve the statistics that tell of thousands of deaths. Yet there still is no personal involvement. You believe in leprosy and in tuberculosis, but no one whom you have known well has suffered from these conditions, either. The mind protects you from stress by preventing deep concern for conditions you have not experienced. As with any “protection” it can work too well and become dangerous.

Thus far, in this culture of yours, most of those who have developed and died from AIDS have been those with certain behaviors that are departures from what is normative and of what I generally approve. I have said, and I say again, that this is not divine retribution for sins, for some of these who have died have been spirits in a good developing process… for whom dying prematurely and from this condition was a true spiritual challenge. It is not retribution, and yet there are some natural consequences of behaviors that may have to be experienced. The earth is not without its natural consequences.

As you are now learning, there are many theoretical consequences from the growing size of the world’s population (mostly the result of legitimate love-making and merciful disease control). Also there are consequences ahead from the affluent lifestyle that I have allowed to develop in your culture and several others in the earth at this time. When any of these consequences are seen as devastation, then actions will be taken that shall prevent or alleviate these consequences. Such actions will not be “popular,” will go against human freedoms, and thus will come only with reluctance.

Greg suggested a fundamental preventive measure against AIDS – sexual relations with only one person. I see that as no great sacrifice. If your culture transformed only half the energy it does now certain disease conditions would be prevented. I see that as no great sacrifice. If fewer babies were conceived and born, there would be less suffering and death in children and adults. I do not see that as a great sacrifice.

There is a rhythm and a balance to earth life. Having sexual relations and birthing babies are part of that rhythm. Suffering from some diseases and dying prematurely is another part. AIDS will be quite costly to your culture. This could siphon funds away from the manufacture of weapons of destruction, and this would be part of the rhythm and balance. Personal and cultural sacrifice is part of good balance, and some of this lies ahead.

Remember My premise that premature death is no real tragedy. Even a short life in the earth can bring spiritual growth and gain. Eleven years ago you buried your son Peter, whose life was short. His life continues, in a better realm for him… yet also better because he had this earth sojourn. So it is also with some who die of AIDS this day, this year.

WED., DEC. 9, 1987, 5:54 AM

Last evening the class spent some time in discussion of the disease AIDS, which is now being portrayed as a pestilence that shall devastate the world population. I am quite aware of this earthly disease, for the creative processes that I have originated are responsible for the sickness and death that the disease produces. I have not deliberately instituted AIDS as the action of a wrathful God, but I am part of the process. Yes, I could have prevented this, as I do much potential harm to humans in the earth . . .

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