AIDS… And Death

WED., MAY 3, 1989, 6:30 AM

Yes, o son, I do want to offer you another Teaching on this twin subject. You did not get to talk to this class, meeting for the last time this afternoon, about this disease condition as a cause of death. It is not a well understood condition yet, but it is a popular one. Listen and hear as I come to you.

It is not possible for humans to know how seriously this AIDS virus, or HIV, (I do want to keep My terminology correct, don’t I?!) will affect human life on earth. You are correct in noting that not even the high predictions of fatalities resulting from the disease do not match the natural increase in the U.S. population, let alone that of the world. It is a cause of death, but, mainly because of its route of transmission, it is not yet significant or total worrisome.

If it passed by way of droplets from the respiratory system there would be great concern. It does not seem to spread this way. If the virus could travel in the water supply or by way of certain foods then humankind could be threatened. Or if the virus were strong and resistant outside of human body fluids, concern would be deserved. Or, one more, if human immune systems weren’t rather adaptable and capable, in many instances, of fighting off this sneaky opponent, then human existence could be threatened.

Yet none of these “ifs” apply, and therefore HIV infection, while increasing, is not a true epidemic. As you would suspect, I did not cause this virus to develop as some retribution for sinful behaviors. Yet I was aware of its development, and I did not neutralize it. Technically, this makes Me somewhat responsible, for I do have the power to stop or to neutralize the natural course of developing in the ecosystem that is the earth. There is no way of knowing how often or how extensively I use this power. When I prevent something you do not know what would have occurred. You can only be aware of conditions you don’t like that I, with Supreme Power, could have prevented or could change, for the better.

Still, as I have told you many times, death is one of the “givens” of earth life. Earth is a realm of time and space, and each of you only occupies her or his space for some limited amount of time. By your culture’s standards, there must be some cause of death. While HIV infection does not cause death directly, it makes death more likely. Therefore it contributes to a necessary, though generally unpopular, condition.

The fact that a few “innocent” persons have gotten AIDS as a result of life-saving or life-enhancing blood transfusions is unfortunate. Remember, however, that many lives are daily saved and enhanced by this unnatural practice of transferring blood from one human to another. Given My ecological premises it could be expected that some good discovery/development might have a few unwanted side effects. Some babies also become infected because they share what their mothers have. This, also, is a positive feature of prenatal and nursing life, with a few side effects.

The disease of AIDS has stimulated fear and revulsion… and also much compassion and loving service. Any slow death condition generally brings forth both extremes. Just be assured that I am totally aware and appreciative of the whole picture of AIDS as a communicable disease and an indirect cause of death. To note that the disease is still occurring and increasing does not mean that I am not involved in some preventive, curative ways. There is absolutely no way of knowing what conditions would be without My “participation.” My actions and interventions cannot be known and certainly cannot be measured.

At the present time those who do not share illicit drug injecting needles and do not have promiscuous sexual relations have very little chance of developing AIDS. This means most of humankind… and most of those near and dear to you.

WED., MAY 3, 1989, 6:30 AM

Yes, o son, I do want to offer you another Teaching on this twin subject. You did not get to talk to this class, meeting for the last time this afternoon, about this disease condition as a cause of death. It is not a well understood condition yet, but it is a popular one. Listen and hear as I come to you.

It is not possible for humans to know how seriously this AIDS virus, or HIV, (I do want to keep My terminology correct, don’t I?!) will affect human . . .

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