AIDS and Spirit

WED., NOV. 12, 1986, 6:20 AM

There is no guarantee that you will be part of the group next week concerned with the consequences of this disease AIDS, but I feel the need to help you be prepared, for some assignment such as this. It is increasingly important for you to think through and/or be shown the spiritual dimension to specific health issues. That’s what this Teaching is about.

AIDS is, truly, a serious infection that becomes a complex challenge to the spirits of those involved and, eventually, to many in this culture of yours. So, first of all, why have I allowed this to happen? I am “in charge” of this earth, and so nothing can occur that I don’t at least allow. True. But I do allow natural processes to function, generally, and know that circumstances that develop, which are far from “Garden of Eden,” always have the potential for the development of spirit.

Though it is grossly repetitive I say it again because it is a vital truth – My major interest in the affairs of humans is in their spiritual growth. When I miraculously save a life it is for the potential for spiritual growth in those concerned. When I allow tragic deaths it is for the same purpose. You could never understand the many ways and circumstances in which spirit grows and develops, and therefore I can’t make this truth very clear to you.

AIDS is particularly insidious because it attacks the very system which is your protection against attacks from microscopic life. With the immune system in shambles the infected person becomes susceptible to other infections and eventually even the efforts of advanced medicine cannot prevail. It is a “death sentence,” but one that offers time to reflect and prepare. Death does not come quickly, and hence the potential for spiritual movement is greater.

Since, at this time the infection is one primarily developing in those whom straight society rejects for their flaunting of “basic” values, the potential for spiritual movement is even greater. (Understand that I’m now saying “spiritual movement,” implying either the positive growth of spirit or regression to a lower level of spiritual being. The potential for one is always matched by the potential for the other.) Persons who “shoot” some powerful drug substance into their bodies with a needle are mostly weak in spirit and low in self-concept. I love the weak and the poor in spirit, for they can so easily come to Me. To have a dreaded, fatal disease develop as a result of the socially despised practice of “shooting up” is a final humiliation. Some sink even lower. Others turn and take My hand.

Parents and relatives and close friends also are challenged. Can you truly love a son or daughter whose lifestyle is so lowly? Can you resist the thought that this disease is a final form of divine retribution? If you can, you grow in spirit in the very process.

Those who are homosexual and contract the disease through their sexual practices also can be shunned by family and friends who cannot accept these aberrant means of pleasure. It is a harsh but effective means of urging many in homosexual communities to reconsider sexual practices and see the balance between pleasure and pain in better ways. It also may discourage some from entering this community who do not belong there.

WED., NOV. 12, 1986, 6:20 AM

There is no guarantee that you will be part of the group next week concerned with the consequences of this disease AIDS, but I feel the need to help you be prepared, for some assignment such as this. It is increasingly important for you to think through and/or be shown the spiritual dimension to specific health issues. That’s what this Teaching is about.

AIDS is, truly, a serious infection that becomes a complex challenge to the spirits of those involved and, eventually, to many in this culture of yours . . .

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