
JULY 2, 1979, 9:35 PM

Yes, o son, let me give you some of My words of teaching about this substance. You have learned much and taught much about it for many years. You think you know how I feel about this part of life… and you do, in a way. But listen and hear My voice.

Alcohol is one of My creations. One of My ancient ones. It does make glad the heart of man, and as you ask this in your prayer I hear, for this is its fundamental mission. But there is also a rhythm. There is also a time for every matter. And so alcohol, like love, marriage, rich luscious food, and even fire and water, has the capacity to ruin and to destroy. Peter was one… Thad was one… who found it to be a poison. But it still is one of my blessings.

As I have told you I am not eternally moderate. I enjoy the laughter and joyous extremes of My servants. I am not everlastingly reserved and sober. And I joy in those who are likewise. I have chuckled at those times when you have been joyously immoderate and yet from which came no harm.

I thought it good that you make your own brew, and My heart was pleased when you began to bless and consecrate what you make. Truly, I can make of that liquid a blessing, and usually I do. Just assume that I do all the time. It shouldn’t matter to you. You have prayed, you have thanked, you have requested. Leave the results to me!

You can well ask, “Why, then, is there this sorrow and pain associated with the misuse of alcohol?” “Can’t You, the Lord God, prevent this?” The answer is, “Of course”, but you and your earthly neighbors must grow. And without challenge and risk there is no growth. Further, everyone needs to show concern and compassion, and this can only be seen manifested toward those who suffer. Yes, I could do it another way… just as I could have led My people, Israel, out of Egypt without the destruction of young boys and strong fine young soldiers.

They remember, many of them, the greatness that is I as they tell of what I did with them. And so, many people, this very night, are attesting to their relationship with Me, derived from the suffering that alcohol brought to them.

Alcohol is part of the life rhythm, and is, at the same time, a rhythm of its own. No one is ever lost to me because of liquor. They shall return again to help others who suffer.

It is of inherent worth, but it, like Cain, can turn and be a slayer. You, o son, shall brush this destruction from time to time, but shall prevail… because I have tasks for you to do. You may not Do but that I have you do.

So drink with a merry heart and be My faithful one. The day is done. And it was a good one.

The Lord shall bless you and keep you.
10:10 PM