Alcohol: An Update

TUES., MAY 15, 1990, 6:35 AM

I have offered you a number of Teachings relating to this substance, which shall be the focus for your class today. You composed a Ruminations with such Teachings, now some years ago, but it was a good one. You wonder whether I have anything new to say toward this theme, and I shall just say Yes… along with some reiteration and reemphasis of important ideas.

I shall emphasize again that the alcohol that is a part of a number of drinks and beverages is a part of natural creation. It was not a mistake or an oversight on the part of Me, as Creator. I knew it would bring harm to humans, but I knew that about the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil also. It is a pleasure inducing substance that acts on the brain to allow thoughts that are inhibited in sobriety. I want you to change your emphasis on the relationship between right and left brain to that between the mind and the spirit. Thus, alcohol inhibits the rational mind and allows the spirit to show forth.

The personality and behavior that is evident after drinking is an evidence of the nature of the drinkers spirit. It is an interesting and often painful test of spirit. Yet I still call it good. I see the harm that comes to lives because of drinking, but I also see alcohol as a pleasure-allowing addition to people’s lives, where no harm occurs. And I also see changes in lives where drinking has become obsessive, changes toward greater quality and more relationship with Me. The trade-offs are about as I expected.

I do want you to change the interpretation of the alteration of consciousness. You can work out a way to do this. Instead of having the brain divided, just say that the spirit, that has no specific site, encourages thoughts, impressions, and perceptions that the rational mind tends to inhibit, in all but a few. You can note that one of the old terms for these beverages, particularly the distilled ones, is “spirits.” From ancient times it was recognized that there was some relationship between alcohol and spirit.

The original elements at My last supper, as Jesus, were bread and wine. I filled the cups and I said “This is My blood, shed for you. This now shall be remembered as the cup of blessing.” You see, I tied together wine with My coming sacrifice. To use unfermented grape juice is an acceptable substitute, but I want you to continue to appreciate the slight glow that comes with the wine when it, even in a sip from the common cup, is offered to you. There is a mystical relationship between Me going to death on the cross… and then resurrection… and the wine and the bread that continue to represent Me.

I do disapprove of the large industry that manufactures and encourages the sale of alcoholic beverages. But then I disapprove of many other large industries that push products that are not truly necessary to human well being. Alcohol is not necessary, but neither is much of what you experience in life.

You are designing and creating this present class of yours with the inclusion of visuals, videos, tapes, and many handouts. These are helpful, but not truly necessary. You could conduct a good class without these aids. It would just require more of you. And you wouldn’t be quite as satisfied. So, too, in many situations of life alcohol, though not necessary, adds a nice touch to the situation, and makes it a bit easier for you.

TUES., MAY 15, 1990, 6:35 AM

I have offered you a number of Teachings relating to this substance, which shall be the focus for your class today. You composed a Ruminations with such Teachings, now some years ago, but it was a good one. You wonder whether I have anything new to say toward this theme, and I shall just say Yes… along with some reiteration and reemphasis of important ideas.

I shall emphasize again that the alcohol that is a part of a number of drinks and beverages is a part of natural creation. It was . . .

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