Alcohol And Positive Health

JULY 18, 1980, 6:05 AM

Hear, o son, for this is the theme you want and need to have explained and expanded. It should be the basis for a good provocative seminar. Attendance will not be much, but this is to be one of your best contributions.

The basic truth is the same one you heard in relation to problems with alcohol: the factor of importance is spirit. As spirit is developed,
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that which shows forth under alcohol’s influence is concern for others. Concern for self is not lost, o son (yes, I am here and speaking… your “break” was an acceptable one), but the balance is more toward others. So, when alcohol allows more feeling for and genuine expression of concern for others it becomes a contributor to positive, holistic health.

Another effect, that you have experienced, is a greater attunement to beauty – in nature, in music, in others. When one of the effects of sobriety is a feeling that there just is not enough time to appreciate flowers, trees, and landscapes… the chords and nuances of beautiful music… the unique splendor of relationships, observed or enacted… it is a positive contribution to have that time consciousness dulled. Then the beauty consciousness surfaces. It may not be as acute as it could be without alcohol, but if it is manifested… and it would not have been otherwise… it is a contribution to the positive.

The sober mind needs to fight for responsible behavior and use of time. Intoxication, to a point, does not bring irresponsibility as such…just responsibility to other aspects of life and experience. Is it responsible to have a long rambly conversation with an old friend rather than write a paper or fill out a report or prepare for a class? It’s just that if you do all the things you should do you may not do all (or any) of the things you could do. Alcohol can help to effect another balance… a different rhythm.

Alcohol often allows certain words and ideas to be expressed that would be otherwise inhibited. And unsaid. This usually is seen in a negative light, the words being ugly and destructive. Such it is when the spirit revealed is undeveloped or poorly developed. The angry and the hating spirits can be tragic to behold and experience. But look to the positive. Some loving words, some helpful ideas may be held back and never expressed. As inhibitions diminish they can come forth, and relationships can be nurtured. This is both a manifestation of spirit and a building of spirit.

JULY 18, 1980, 6:05 AM

Hear, o son, for this is the theme you want and need to have explained and expanded. It should be the basis for a good provocative seminar. Attendance will not be much, but this is to be one of your best contributions.

The basic truth is the same one you heard in relation to problems with alcohol: the factor of importance is spirit. As spirit is developed,
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that which shows forth under alcohol’s influence is concern for others. Concern for self is not lost, o son . . .

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