Alcohol And Sexuality

TUES., JULY 6, 1982, 5:21 AM

In Biblical times there was no science and technology like unto that which now pervades Western Civilization, so there could be no real guidance about it in the Holy Scriptures. (Hence the reason for the teaching of yesterday morning.) Conversely, alcohol (as wine) was part of life in olden times, as was male-female relations, but there is little specific guidance in the Scriptures about interactions among these. You should be interested (and you should be paying closer attention.)

As you indicate, accurately, in the presentations you do, alcohol developed as a natural part of the natural world I created. It was not a direct creation, like a fig tree or a cockroach, and it isn’t as vital as, say, the water cycle or the seasons, but it was an indirect creation of which I was aware. I am not surprised that many humans have come to use it, even regularly, but I am saddened when the harm that comes from its misuse seems greater than the good that it brings to human life.

Male and female I created them. Yes, sexual differences were My direct creation, for procreation and for pleasure. Likewise I am saddened when the damage that these sex differences cause or allow seems to outweigh the many positives. And, as you would expect, I am not happy with some of what happens when alcohol is a factor in sexual relations. Know, however, that both this substance and this nature of persons are part of the earth plane and therefore part of the potential for spiritual growth or regression. There is very little risk in eating and digesting lettuce or in playing tennis with a member of the opposite sex. Therefore there is little potential for spiritual growth from such actions.

Drinking and sexual relations both have risks, some obvious to the individual and some not. It is from such conditions of risk that growth comes most fully. So, yes, I am saddened at the losses, but well aware that without this as a real possibility some humans could not make the growth they do towards Me in their earthly lives.

Abstention is obviously one way to growth (though all abstention is not growth-enhancing… it is not “automatic”). A vow of celibacy in order to affect a more pure dedication to Me and to the development of spirit is commendable. Likewise, a vow of abstinence from drinking in order that one might never cause a brother to stumble is a beautiful dedication, when it is sincere. Abstention is spirit-enhancing, but it is not the only way.

TUES., JULY 6, 1982, 5:21 AM

In Biblical times there was no science and technology like unto that which now pervades Western Civilization, so there could be no real guidance about it in the Holy Scriptures. (Hence the reason for the teaching of yesterday morning.) Conversely, alcohol (as wine) was part of life in olden times, as was male-female relations, but there is little specific guidance in the Scriptures about interactions among these. You should be interested (and you should be paying closer attention.)

As you indicate, accurately, in the presentations you do, alcohol developed as . . .

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