Alcohol: My “Imperfect Gift”

WED., SEP. 17, 1997, 9:25 AM

It has been quite some time since I have offered you a Teaching related to alcohol, beverages and drinks which I here called My “imperfect gift”. I use the term “gift” because ethyl alcohol is a natural product, as certain “ingredients” are purposely or accidentally combined. You certainly have had enough experience with beer brewing… now about 40 years… to know how simple it is to produce a mild beverage.

Of course you humans came up with distilling, which results in a stronger beverage, and combinations can produce powerful drinks. In relation to alcoholic drinks most humans are abstainers, light to moderate consumers, or at least cautious as they overconsume. But I have created and continue to create some individuals who are occasionally to regularly immoderate… to uncontrolled as imbibers.

Deaths or severe injuries that are caused, at least in part, by alcohol’s effects are only an occasional result, given all of the human interactions that I observe. This is not to say that some aren’t truly tragic, but that most drinking doesn’t result in major harm. Remember that alcohol is an imperfect substance, and it is consumed by imperfect persons… some “quite so”. It is one of the challenges of earth life, and I really have no regrets about its creation.

You have read, this morning (and did I arrange for such “news analysis” before this Teaching), of two tragic deaths, one much more widely publicized than the other… and one directly caused by alcohol, the other indirectly. Other people died with alcohol as a cause on each day, also, but with little to no publicity. And… millions of you drank on these days… and everyday… with no serious consequences. And… the lives of many of you who drank on these days were calmed, even enriched, by the effects of this gift.

I didn’t create automobiles, but I allowed their creation, knowing that serious harm would come from some use of these useful contraptions. I didn’t create distillation, but I allowed its development, recognizing that drunkenness and death could come easier with alcohol in these concentrated forms. Imperfect humans have created a good deal of “imperfections”, which help to make this earth scene the challenge that I want it to be.

I see it as good that there are several types of alcoholic beverages AND that there are people who oppose any use, particularly when it is in My Name. Along with the majority of drinkers who are moderate and cautious, this produces a rather good balance.

Another observation: Sweden, as a culture, seems to have more control of alcohol use, and fewer problems than are evident in your culture. In contrast, your culture values immoderate behavior in many forms. You exercise political, economic, and military power more than most cultures. You value risk-taking in many aspects of life. Therefore it is not surprising that risks involving alcohol are more evident in your culture than in Sweden’s.

I also see that the motivations and behaviors that are responsible for the dynamic power of your culture often need come calming, and alcohol is helpful in this regard. Of course there are “other ways”, chief among these being a close relationship with Me. I appreciate it when some who see Me as important in their lives abstain from any alcohol use, particularly if some previous use has been misuse or abuse, as your friend Bob has experienced. And yet I also appreciate those of you who relate closely with Me and still enjoy alcohol’s effects, with minimal harm to self and others.

WED., SEP. 17, 1997, 9:25 AM

It has been quite some time since I have offered you a Teaching related to alcohol, beverages and drinks which I here called My “imperfect gift”. I use the term “gift” because ethyl alcohol is a natural product, as certain “ingredients” are purposely or accidentally combined. You certainly have had enough experience with beer brewing… now about 40 years… to know how simple it is to produce a mild beverage.

Of course you humans came up with distilling, which results in a stronger beverage, and combinations can produce powerful drinks. In . . .

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