Alcohol, Yet Again

TUES., SEPT. 7, 1993, 3:07 PM

Your first class on this day, in this week, was one focused on alcohol, that natural mood modifier of Mine. Then you got the invitation from Gail to do your hoary old presentation, yet again… and the Bible discussion tomorrow morning will surely focus to some extent upon Noah’s drunken behavior. If this isn’t enough stimulus to bring forth a Teaching… I’ll just say it is.

First, let Me assert that I do agree with each of the positions you attributed to My Body, the Christian Church, relating to alcohol, and I do urge some Christians to hold each view, strongly and whole-heartedly. Mild natural alcoholic beverages (and I can include mixed drinks with a minimal alcohol content) are a blessed gift from Me. I approve of much behavior that comes after drinking… the mild “lubrication” that encourages talking and good relating. I like celebrations with beverages as a part… and even some drunkenness when no harm comes and life is fun.

I also approve of the view that alcohol is not particularly blessed, as such, but is one of the “tests” of earth life. It can be used happily and responsibly, all the time… or it can sometimes be thus and sometimes part of more troublesome experiences, balances changing with circumstances. Or it can be a clear basis for pain and suffering in human lives. Adaptation by humans can be varied and diverse. The alcohol is just a part of earth life, from which can come spiritual growth… or regression. And I do encourage this view in some of My good servants.

There is a third stance, and some of My most ardent and protective sons and daughters are sure that this is My only one. It posits that alcohol is a curse, a product of the devil, and something to be avoided and to be opposed. Without alcohol this earth would be a more blessed place, and much evil would disappear with its demise.

True to My Three-in One nature I do honor each of these, with integrity, and see that the best balance is maintained when each is upheld. I even enjoy some of the situations of imbalance.

Naturally you will respond positively to Gail, and it could be challenging to modify the presentation somewhat, for your own amusement and because there probably will be some there who have heard the “original” before. This comes up this week in your own class, and I approve of the combination of you live and you on tape. Do a bit of practicing for this, however.

Now what do I say about Noah today. The story says that he was the most righteous man on the earth and, presumably, he could build an ark adequate enough for the “long haul” on the wide expanse of deep water. Remember, however, that even before I came as Jesus, righteousness was not earned but was bestowed. I called Noah righteous, and so he was. That’s it.

When his “flood task” was over he settled down and, among other life tasks, planted a vineyard. (Did he sneak some vines on the ark, or did they survive months under water?) The grapes grew, anyway, and somehow little yeast plants survived and multiplied, and, lo, there was wine. Noah drank, and, despite his righteousness, he drank to drunkenness. Sometime in this state he took off all of his clothes and went to sleep naked.

TUES., SEPT. 7, 1993, 3:07 PM

Your first class on this day, in this week, was one focused on alcohol, that natural mood modifier of Mine. Then you got the invitation from Gail to do your hoary old presentation, yet again… and the Bible discussion tomorrow morning will surely focus to some extent upon Noah’s drunken behavior. If this isn’t enough stimulus to bring forth a Teaching… I’ll just say it is.

First, let Me assert that I do agree with each of the positions you attributed to My Body, the Christian Church . . .

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