All Is (Not) Well For Humankind

JULY 1, 1980, 6:20 AM

This is an interest-provoking title, o son, for it raises the question – is all well or is it not? The answer, of course, is Yes, it is or No, it is not. You read yesterday of prophesies of destruction in the West. You are not a prophet, so I shall not give you versions of what shall be… but shall simply affirm that there will be destruction there, sometime in the future. But there will be other catastrophes in other places, as well. Yet the life for most of humankind will go on, almost unaffected.

I have told you before, o son, that there are too many individual humans now in the earth. If there were only one life and then an unalterable judgment, shortened life for a good many would be tragedy, but know that life goes on, and so a removal from the earth is simultaneous with the coming into a new plane elsewhere. You are to understand this only dimly, but you are to know it is a fundamental Truth.

Families and individuals will mourn the loss of relatives and friends (you shall be affected, of course) but human life will adapt and go on. That is how it shall be both well and not well for humankind. Many shall survive, but many will be “lost”… but only from life in the earth, remember. Death is distressing, but should be less so, when you realize that there will be eventual reunion and a sharing of experiences, some alike and some unique. And it shall be as if there had been no time interval, for in most other realms there is no need for such a dimension.

For everything there is a season… and a time for every purpose under heaven. Remember that there is a time to die and also that each moment is a time to die. It is true that each death diminishes you, but also that each death enhances you. Both/and. A loss of life here is a gain for life there. Loss of a friend is an opportunity to develop another one. The time to mourn spawns the time to rejoice.

JULY 1, 1980, 6:20 AM

This is an interest-provoking title, o son, for it raises the question – is all well or is it not? The answer, of course, is Yes, it is or No, it is not. You read yesterday of prophesies of destruction in the West. You are not a prophet, so I shall not give you versions of what shall be… but shall simply affirm that there will be destruction there, sometime in the future. But there will be other catastrophes in other places, as well. Yet the life for most of humankind . . .

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