
TUES., JUNE 30, 1992, 6:44 AM

Every now and again I need to shoot you a Teaching that reaffirms to you that I, the Holy Spirit, am One with God, and We are truly Almighty. I come to you as a friendly, guiding Spirit, a friend Who does not wield great power. I tell you that I do a lot of adapting to human action rather than determining every action to be just as I would have it, ideally. I forgive a lot, and I accept sinners back with a spirit that does not indicate power, as it is discerned, in the earth.

I now affirm, however, that I am Almighty. It’s a good term. I am in control of all the might that exists. I can cause anything to happen. I can prevent anything from happening. Any forces that oppose Me are allowed to do so. Any apparent struggle that I may have with evil forces, even an evil one, are just that – apparent. The apparency, however, can be quite convincing, so by human reckoning the conflict is real. Yet I remain Almighty.

My general plan for this realm of earth included forces of evil and even its personification. I have interpreted the Garden story to you, and a version of it is in your latest Ruminations. In the story the serpent is traditionally perceived as the evil one, urging the two humans to disobey Me. I, as God, am portrayed as naïve and surprised… then angry with this disobedience that took place “behind My back.” I must not have been all-powerful, and I certainly wasn’t all-knowing, for this seemed to happen without My being aware of it. The alternative interpretation, which is yours to ponder, is that it all happened because I allowed it, because I wanted it to be.

Now you see where this leads. It makes Me a part of natural disasters and human cruelty. I do not usually cause earthquakes, tornadoes, and the like, but I could… and I also could prevent each and every occurrence. I allow consequences to human action that is faulty, allowing some people to die in accidents and from violence. I also rescue some individuals in spectacular ways, and some give Me credit and some do not.

I am the originator of the concept of “tough love.” I love this earth, every individual human, and every form of life, including many of which you humans know nothing. I see the spiritual value that comes from hardship, temptation, and “riotous living.” Some people have hellish lives, with terrible experiences. Some fail to grow from these, and for this I am sorry, but I also see incredible growth and appreciation for certain hardships in life. Some people come into the earth unwisely, into situations that are too difficult. Such often suffer, and I do allow this to happen, for most will eventually grow from such experiences.

You see, the concept of evil as a competing force, a powerful one, is acceptable (even desirable) if this one earth life is all one has, with death bringing a judgment that assigns each soul either to an eternal life of bliss or one of torture and pain… “you had your chance, and you muffed it.” I realize that the Scriptures suggest this, but I tell you that I am “Almighty to save.” I have the power to “waste” human souls, but I won’t. The chance to grow, back toward Me, is what is eternal and everlasting.

I am Almighty in My love for diversity. As Jesus I called twelve disciples, different from one another, with nary a rabbi among them. If I were coming into your culture today, what an array of “types” I would choose. A few of My Scriptures deplore homosexual acts, and yet I call some, like Nancy, to be special servants of Mine. (Were all the original disciples “straight”? Hmmm.)

TUES., JUNE 30, 1992, 6:44 AM

Every now and again I need to shoot you a Teaching that reaffirms to you that I, the Holy Spirit, am One with God, and We are truly Almighty. I come to you as a friendly, guiding Spirit, a friend Who does not wield great power. I tell you that I do a lot of adapting to human action rather than determining every action to be just as I would have it, ideally. I forgive a lot, and I accept sinners back with a spirit that does not indicate power, as . . .

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