
FRI., JUNE 28, 1996, 9:02 PM

The 4 ½ hour class sessions have been completed, and the finals have been written. So you come to Me in this odd evening hour almost… finished for this summer term. The finals will not be difficult to read… they should even be interesting and revealing. Yes, you could say it was an “almost” Class… one that almost came together, but not quite. So feel pleased that this isn’t your final teaching task. You wouldn’t want to “go out” with an almost.

This also means that you’re almost ready to wing out to Hawaii for the visit with your parents, at least with your Dad. You hope it will be a better visit than you anticipate. It could be, but it will take some perseverance on your part. You’ll be tempted, particularly at first, to just find ways to avoid these old parents, when attempts to bring some cheer to them don’t seem successful. You must persist. This is a test of your spirit. It may not be pleasant, but if you keep “returning” your spirit will grow… and so may your Dad’s.

Carefully select Teachings and Ruminations to take with you. Don’t take a whole volume, but pick and choose, particularly from those John Patrick has printed out for you. Your Dad should be ready for spiritual conversations, ones he’s not getting now. It may be a bit uncomfortable for him at first, but, finally, he’ll appreciate your presence and this special gift of yours, from Me.

It also is almost time for you to give more attention to this Farm place. One of your good reasons for not having the class here today (and in some ways it would have been good for them, you know) was your “shame” in the appearance. You can see it as it is and how it should be, and these are not the same. ( 9:20 / 9:22 ) When this “almost time” becomes “now is the time” you must balance times of just puttering and doing whatever you feel like with planned times to accomplish set goals. You can appreciate both. And don’t forget to be as conscious as possible of spirit in what you do and in the place.

Almost is an appropriate term for where you are in relation to teaching this last full-time year of classes. I urged you to begin to be more concerned with spirit in your classes than with their learning of facts. You did that rather well with your first group, but the topic was a bit more compatible. You weren’t as willing to give up the factual orientation in this second class, and the difference was obvious. Consider selecting the facts you consider most important, like unto the sheet you’ve used regularly on alcohol, concentrating on these, but interspersing with more interactive class sessions. You shouldn’t have to teach this course again in this concentrated form. That’s probably good.

You’ve almost accepted the awkward and mildly painful condition of your two legs. There is almost no hope that feeling and function will return to your feet, so it is almost time to get on with your life as it actually is. When you hear of Lou’s serial physical problems you can see how relatively fortunate you are, so show it! Focus more on keeping your head up and your back straight… looking alive… for this is how you should feel.

Some important notes and letters have been put off, but I recognize your slowness as it is developing. Thus, in the spirit of this Teaching, it is almost time to make a new list and bring yourself up to date in terms of responses. Of course the Ruminations is Our first priority.

FRI., JUNE 28, 1996, 9:02 PM

The 4 ½ hour class sessions have been completed, and the finals have been written. So you come to Me in this odd evening hour almost… finished for this summer term. The finals will not be difficult to read… they should even be interesting and revealing. Yes, you could say it was an “almost” Class… one that almost came together, but not quite. So feel pleased that this isn’t your final teaching task. You wouldn’t want to “go out” with an almost.

This also means that you’re almost ready . . .

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