
MON., JUNE 22, 1987, 11:07 PM

In plenty of time you are here awaiting the short night flight which shall take you away from this land and close to home. You have been fairly faithful to this time of learning, and you are making progress on your Letter. Hear, o son, as I offer some observations on the time past and the time ahead.

One of the meanings of Aloha is love, and you still do retain and feel love for this place. Yet, properly, there is no desire to be here on any regular basis… in any way but an occasional visit. That is as it should be, for your productive life is centered in your Farm and your university and your church. It is good to feel satisfaction in your life and your place, particularly when you know that that is where I want you to be. Still, this was the right place for you to begin your career and your marriage, and for these reasons alone you should feel Aloha. Do not let your Mother’s sickness spoil this Aloha spirit and your basic enjoyment of the visit. There is good spiritual activity here, into which you tapped only superficially. Give this more attention when you return.

Aloha also stands for a Goodbye, with some feeling for return. There is a time to say Goodbye, and you are now in that process. You shall leave a place where you have felt rather comfortable, and Aloha is the proper farewell. This is somewhat like leaving your body at what is called death; you say Aloha to the familiar scenes and situations, some of which have been exciting, enlightening, or challenging. Other aspects have been uncomfortable, unpleasant, even painful. To these you also bid Aloha. As you move on there will be some “time” of “transportation,” but then you shall find yourself in a familiar place again, and the appropriate salutation is Aloha. Perhaps you shall stay in this place for some further growth, as you will at your present physical home. You shall move away again, for a shorter period, and then back. Eventually you shall return here, as to a familiar place. The analogy is a rather good one.

In a few short months Aloha will be the farewell to students graduating whom you have known and for whom you feel Aloha. Most of these you shall see again, and, in the meantime, others shall take their places. This is also a reasonable analog to life. Some people, increasingly, will pass on over to other realms. Some of these you shall see again, renewing old friendships, even in a somewhat mystical way. Yet even as you lose certain relationships you shall be establishing others. Aloha to one relationship means the opportunity of Aloha to others. And, as I Have told you, some of these new relationships will be with folk that I have “sent,” occasionally, especially for your instruction, other help, or just edification. Be ever aware of such possibilities, even certainties. The fun part is that it isn’t easy, mostly, to discern who these special ones are. You think you know now, but also be ready for new insights, and new friendships.

You shall bid Aloha to some new spiritual experiences during this next course and this next year. Some shall seem quite normal and natural as they occur, but later analysis shall bring out their spiritual contents. A few shall be recognized as spiritual as they are occurring, and these shall seem more readily enjoyable. Your upcoming class is one of these. Organize it well, applying spirit to this task. Select or develop activities that shall be spiritual, in both content and process. The way you conduct this class shall be something of a model for subsequent regular classes. Continue to be innovative in this quest.

MON., JUNE 22, 1987, 11:07 PM

In plenty of time you are here awaiting the short night flight which shall take you away from this land and close to home. You have been fairly faithful to this time of learning, and you are making progress on your Letter. Hear, o son, as I offer some observations on the time past and the time ahead.

One of the meanings of Aloha is love, and you still do retain and feel love for this place. Yet, properly, there is no desire to be here on any regular basis… in . . .

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