
MON., JUNE 12, 1989, 6:11 AM

This is the day of departure from this now familiar place. The rhythm of your life has been good, with some structure and organization, and some spontaneity. There hasn’t been much rest, so perhaps that shall have to be part of your return. You haven’t been as faithful to this time with Me, but the time with your parents was well spent. Finish the Ruminations letter today. Have it ready to print on your arrival at home, so that it is sent out before the end of the month.

You felt My call for a last Teaching this morning, and you felt it yesterday as you decided to attend the reunion picnic. I see improvement in our recognizing and following My urgings. I can make them quite blatant, but I prefer to keep them low-key and have you hear and heed them, even without consciousness about what you are doing. It became clear to you that the central reason for your being at the last get-together was to talk with and listen to Dorothy. I was the arranger of that time together, and she was aware of My urging, as well. You must write to her, even before you send the Ruminations. You can be of some help in her spiritual development, which is more important than the actual problem that weighs upon her spirit now. I shall direct, for a time.

The time with your parents has been as extensive as necessary. You have some concern about not trying to have them express some deeper feelings about life and death, but, true, you have felt no strong direction from Me in this regard. They are not comfortable expressing such thoughts and questions, and so I let you decide, without any pushing from Me… as you felt with Dorothy. They are not highly developed spirits, and they feel basically good about the lives they have led together. Their Christian lives are not dramatic, but they have been good, faithful servants, and I shall welcome them when they finally return.

You can leave here with quite a good sense of accomplishment. The one uncertainty is the lack of interaction with Mark. Again I gave you no definite urging, and he took no initiative with you. Follow up on our plan for this evening and see what happens. He is obviously not comfortable with his direction in life nor about how he should serve Me. He knows you care and are interested, but he is a bit intimidated by the relationship you have with Me, so be careful. He is a fine young man, but just uncertain about many aspects of life now. Your spirit shall direct, with some help from Me.

Spend this last day rather fully “here,” but as you travel toward home you shall shift (6:52 / 6:55) orientation back to the life that is really yours to lead. I do want you to make some progress on papers of the professional type that you know I want. It was mildly embarrassing that you published nothing other than these Ruminations of Ours, so use that as a motivation, along with My continuous urging. It shall require some time, but you shall be pleased with the accomplishment.

It is good that you have this life here, as well as your more long term “real one.” Just as the Holy Bible is a well-crafted amalgam of spiritual stories, some rather unrelated to others, so your good earth life has some different stories and different scenes. Be in each appropriately, fully, and joyfully… just as you were back in the Central Union Chair yesterday… and worry not if they don’t relate very well to one another. Be aware, however, of the spiritual connections that may link experiences in one with those in another. Dorothy has been in this scene only. Now she shall move, in spirit, to a place in your ongoing life. These are marvelous life experiences.

MON., JUNE 12, 1989, 6:11 AM

This is the day of departure from this now familiar place. The rhythm of your life has been good, with some structure and organization, and some spontaneity. There hasn’t been much rest, so perhaps that shall have to be part of your return. You haven’t been as faithful to this time with Me, but the time with your parents was well spent. Finish the Ruminations letter today. Have it ready to print on your arrival at home, so that it is sent out before the end of . . .

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