Aloha To Dad

THURS., JUNE 17, 1999, 6:50 AM

Yesterday afternoon you were part of an informal service of remembrance… for your Dad. He was closer to 96 than to 95 when he came on over, having led a fairly quiet, responsible life. He was certainly ready to leave his old body and this earth life, for he had mostly outlived the times of joy and pleasure. He was pleased to be remembered in the way the “service” developed.

As I told you in an earlier Teaching, he felt some disappointment as We assessed his life, in these last years. Yet he had served Me well, as a churchman, in the Methodist Church in Long Beach. It was just that his active work in My Body did not regenerate when they came here. You remember that, for while at least, he was interested in the Teachings I gave to you. I realize that in the last years he couldn’t see well enough to read, but you could have been a bit more persistent and creative in letting him hear what I was saying to you. You know you’re not perfect as one who hears Me in this way, and that I am One to remind you of your shortcomings.

Having said that, I’ll add that your faith in Me and your faithfulness in coming to write what I say to you represents an acceptance of Grace, and this, by definition, almost, makes you perfect. So, yes, you’re a Both/And… imperfect in your service to Me, as I suggest AND perfect in spirit. This may not make sense in your culture’s way of thinking, but in My Realm of Spirit… it does. You’re welcome!

You had prepared well for your part in the afternoon remembrance and rehearsed sufficiently. Oh, it was an imperfect remembrance, but it also was so good that there wasn’t much response. Others were not willing to share some of their experiences with your Dad… and you could have encouraged some who were there to be more of an active part of the remembrance.

This was in a kind of contrast to your experience last Saturday. You wanted to have a small part in Frank’s time of remembering, but he didn’t invite you and so you let him “be the star,” and you didn’t “dilute” his contribution to the Class Reunion. Yesterday you didn’t invite, directly enough, others to offer remembrances, and so they let you “be the star.” If you had realized this “tit for tat” you would have been more ready to encourage more sharing. He appreciated your recollections, but would have liked to hear others, as well.

Yes, o son, you should consider, at least, writing a version of what you said, for those of his larger family who were not present. I, and you, realize, of course, that you haven’t gotten back to finishing the Saga of Michael. While you’re still “reasonably able” you should consider these as worthy of your time, as contributions to the remembrance of these two good men.

You now realize that you have outlived your father, but you also have outlived two of your sons. You are not yet “old,” but you are the senior in the Russell family, as you “know it.” The “general plan” of life is for generations to “die in order”… oldest first… but I allow, even cause, some variations from this.

Almost ready… are you to make the transition to life in the spirit (only). Rather than considering how this should occur, just give more time to quiet contemplation and to re-readings of the many Teachings I’ve shared with you. Just be assured that the life “ahead” has several advantages over this “earth version.” You’ll recall these, as you come across.

THURS., JUNE 17, 1999, 6:50 AM

Yesterday afternoon you were part of an informal service of remembrance… for your Dad. He was closer to 96 than to 95 when he came on over, having led a fairly quiet, responsible life. He was certainly ready to leave his old body and this earth life, for he had mostly outlived the times of joy and pleasure. He was pleased to be remembered in the way the “service” developed.

As I told you in an earlier Teaching, he felt some disappointment as We assessed his life, in these . . .

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