… Along Your Path

FRI., JUNE 29, 1984, 11:15 AM

This is an idyllic spot on a warm summer morning… a good place to review the progress you’ve made along your path. Each of you has a path, though it not completely set nor determined, certainly. You can depart from your path, briefly, but not in any significant way, for the path is yours and it follows as well as leads. You are, for all practical purposes, always on your path, even as you are making no progress… even regressing. So let Us consider your path, and we might as well use this holistic perspective with which you are coming to feel so familiar.

Intellectually your pathway is one of learning, synthesizing and combining, and teaching, which is another form of learning. Your main interests are health matters (your professional field), social and economic issues, and matters of the spirit. You are not a true intellectual, and you need feel sorry and defensive about that only on rare occasions, when your lack of understanding is obvious. You have done reasonably well with your intellectual abilities. Continue on this path, balancing the writing you do with and for Me with that for your professional colleagues. I still would have you be active in your field, writing in the unique style you still are in the process of developing.

Emotionally your path is a positive, fairly stable one. You have few times of anger and almost none of hate. You feel little resentment, jealousy, or envy. You have a good, easy life, and you are feeling positive about it. You have good capacities to love and feel concern. You can feel real compassion, though not as often as you feel you should. Continue on this path of love and appreciation. Be aware of your departures, and know that most of these are really unwarranted. Look increasingly for those moments of real joy.

Socially you have good capacities to relate to other people, of a fairly wide range. You are able to deal with institutions appropriately, and your interests are in these social and economic movements of the time, as well as the past. Yet you also function well without other people, enjoying thoughts, music, your animals, and the solitude of maintaining the Farm. It is hard for you to balance these social and anti-social tendencies, but awareness of the values of both and the need for different balances at different times shall be most important.

This leads to the environment of your path… a small farm in a nice area of this large continent (though not so perceived by most people), a relatively small population, and a university atmosphere with a nice balance to it. Continue to appreciate the seasonal differences, without trying to cling to one or hurry to another. Each season has qualities that enhance and encourage spirit… seasons are an important part of your path.

Physically you continue to be strong and active. Your body works well for most of what you would have it do. You hearing loss is your major disability, and you must adapt to this in a number of ways. Continue to give blood as often as possible… not with so much pride as with love and concern for others who may be in critical need. Work against further fat accumulation, for this shall simply hinder functioning that you desire.

FRI., JUNE 29, 1984, 11:15 AM

This is an idyllic spot on a warm summer morning… a good place to review the progress you’ve made along your path. Each of you has a path, though it not completely set nor determined, certainly. You can depart from your path, briefly, but not in any significant way, for the path is yours and it follows as well as leads. You are, for all practical purposes, always on your path, even as you are making no progress… even regressing. So let Us consider your path, and we . . .

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