Am I A Part Of This?

MON., JAN. 17, 1994, 1:21 PM

The snow has fallen, along with the temperature. In the midst of all your blessings – heat, electricity, kerosene, telephone… – you have no running water. Am I a part of this? Well, I didn’t cause it… and I could have prevented it, as I do, with you, with some regularity. So I let it happen… let “nature take its course.” It is bothersome, but it may again make you more appreciative of the water resource that you normally have and take for granted. I call on you always to see situations like this one in the perspective of spiritual growth, for, generally, there is more potential for spiritual advancement when “the going is tough.”

So much for your little crisis, as you sit in the warm sun and watch birds benefit from your largesse. The bigger one is out in the state of your birth and early life. The answer to the query as to whether I am part of a damaging earthquake is the same. I am aware of all the ways in which this earth of Mine functions… I could have prevented it, and you can assume I did at a time of day that would have resulted in many more injuries and deaths. Yet it is a characteristic of that part of the earth that it must move from time to time. I let it move, because it was necessary for the movement to occur… just another instance of My balanced concern for the temporary human inhabitants and for the earth itself, with its complex interactions.

As I expected, there has been much heroic behavior, and a great deal of spiritual growth coming from this occurrence. And most of the residents of the area have suffered no real loss, and have gained a story… of “What it was like.”

You, of course, knew the answer to Our question, for certainly I am part of all such newsworthy events, but with a vision that none of you can command – a vision of how this relates to all other occurrences, and to past and future happenings. I see it in such a wider and deeper way than you ever can. What I cause or allow either is part of My plan for individuals, groups, and the planet or will bring more good than alternatives.

I do not cause people to gather together in geographic places that generally are pleasant, productive, “easy to live in.” When this does occur, and I allow it, there will be injuries and deaths because of the earth’s activities and the effects upon what humans have created. Automobiles are driven on a freeway, an earthquake comes, part of the freeway comes down, and people die. I do not rescue everyone. Why? Reasons, innumerable. I do not make automobiles, manufacture gasoline, or build structures that cannot withstand such earth movement. So I am not responsible for injuries and deaths that result from combinations of these.

So, I’m saying that it’s not either/or (a familiar admission!). While I am not the direct cause of accidents and other potentially harmful events, I have not relinquished control, and never will. I am free to decide whether to prevent “natural disasters” or to moderate their consequences. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t… and the decisions I make are perfect, by definition. I am rarely capricious in relation to earth and people, but I just know that when people think they can live anywhere they choose and do what ever seems possible, but with no adverse consequences this is not the way My Kingdom on earth operates.

MON., JAN. 17, 1994, 1:21 PM

The snow has fallen, along with the temperature. In the midst of all your blessings – heat, electricity, kerosene, telephone… – you have no running water. Am I a part of this? Well, I didn’t cause it… and I could have prevented it, as I do, with you, with some regularity. So I let it happen… let “nature take its course.” It is bothersome, but it may again make you more appreciative of the water resource that you normally have and take for granted. I call on you always to see . . .

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