Am I Adaptable?

WED., OCT. 14, 1998, 9:52 AM

Yes, o son, hear a quick, brief answer: I am supremely adaptable. This is true of Me as Almighty God, as Father God, as Jesus the Christ, and as Holy Spirit. Does this negate the Scriptural passage that proclaims: Jesus Christ is the same – yesterday, today, and tomorrow? Not a bit of it! That, too, is a truth, of a mystical sort.

If I really wanted all humans to think alike and act alike… you’d have to brand Me as quite an inept Creator. Or… I could be seen as sadistic – creating humans (most of you) to fail in the prime requirement of earth life and therefore spend eternity in hell, quite apart from Me. Oh, I do want you all to love, but I recognize many ways of showing forth love… including “tough love”, which I did originate. (10:03 / 10:04)

I don’t micromanage the earth scene. I have called certain of you humans (again, in a wild variety of ways), and I accept and treasure those who are not specifically called, but who come to Me, on their own, as servants. In one sense, I am not pleased with all that happens… I can feel sadness and, then, anger… but I finally have no one to “blame” but Myself. As I have told you repeatedly, this earth realm is a very special one for spiritual growth, precisely because there are opportunities to “fail”… to act in ways I would not approve. So I have to be adaptable, preventing certain conditions that would be “carrying freedom too far” (such as nuclear war).

As you are quite aware (even as many Americans and Christians resist this as a truth), there have to be deaths for the earth to continue as a viable realm, with a web of life. Some of every species, including humans, don’t survive the in vitro and birth processes. Children are vulnerable in many ways, and some die… adolescents and young adults, too. Your culture is seeing it as a feat that many of you live into old age, but this, too, is finally dangerous to the balance of life. The elderly, like children, must be more vulnerable than the general adult population.

I have to be adaptable to what you humans plan and then put into effect. This is not weakness on My part. It is just the way I choose to be the God of this earth… and beyond. It would not be nearly as much fun to be God if all human actions were “safe and sane”… just plain ideal. You can never understand how I function, with the billions of humans and many manifestations of this web of life that I champion. Do I make “mistakes”? One answer is No, Never. The other is Yes, but then I adapt and make it come out in some desirable way.

The Garden of Eden story is, of course, a myth… but one just full of Truth. I had to cause… or allow… or both… humans to “screw up” so that this earth would be the spiritual realm I want it to be. There had to be a prohibition to be broken, and a creation of Mine (in this case, the talking snake) that/who would beguile My “do right” humans into sinning.

As you read the Monday Morning Report, Bob’s presentation of the problems caused by university students’ drinking, you considered the “need” of some in this age group to act crazy, dangerously, and irresponsibly. Most teens, as I see then, act like adults most of the time. But… all the time? Not likely. Some die or are harmed in various ways (poor adapters). Most learn from such dangerous behaviors, and many of these come to lead fine lives of service. As their “higher Power” I help some who seek Me in this way after some unsatisfactory living. Your spirit needs to be adaptable. I am pleased when I see such.

WED., OCT. 14, 1998, 9:52 AM

Yes, o son, hear a quick, brief answer: I am supremely adaptable. This is true of Me as Almighty God, as Father God, as Jesus the Christ, and as Holy Spirit. Does this negate the Scriptural passage that proclaims: Jesus Christ is the same – yesterday, today, and tomorrow? Not a bit of it! That, too, is a truth, of a mystical sort.

If I really wanted all humans to think alike and act alike… you’d have to brand Me as quite an inept Creator. Or… I could be seen as . . .

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