Am I Bothered…?

SAT., AUG. 15, 1998, 1:56 PM

… by the disquieting events in earth life, and particularly these future ones which could cause disruption, even severe, in your culture? The major one, of course, as you listened to son John Patrick this morning, is this Y2K phenomenon (and, yes, I can use this “contemporary” term!). Though I exercise general control over this earth scene, I allow more than I cause. I am not responsible, certainly, for computer chips that will variously interpret “what year it is” when 2000 becomes actual (in your culture, at least). I am concerned, in general, about human well-being, but I don’t intend to answer prayers for as many miracles as it takes to keep your nation “humming along”.

This future situation is somewhat like that in the story of the Tower of Babel. In that story I became aware that the humans in the town of Babel, along with some neighbors, (which was, symbolically, My human creation, in total) were working together, happily and productively, to build a tower to reach heaven. I was not pleased with this “do it yourself” venture; I admired their cooperative spirit and behavior, but it was a means to an end, undesirable from My perspective. So I acted to make them, the planners and workers, speak different languages, and thus the capability to cooperate diminished, and the tower was never completed.

In this modern “version” the people of the earth are being “brought together”, technologically, with computers, and, at a basic level, by electronic computer chips. Many of these small bits of created and programmed matter will act unpredictably as the new millennium arrives…and “cooperation” will be disrupted. The financial status of the world (which is, in and of itself, of little interest to Me) is quite fragile, and it is uncertain how adaptable it will be in the disruptions resulting from “what time is it now”.

The most obvious effects will be in the affluent cultures, for the new “modern way”, on which you have become dependent will be full of pitfalls. There will be some actual suffering, but what many persons will identify as such will come from loss of luxuries. This needs to happen every now and again… as a test of spirit. It will be, importantly, a test of your American middle class, especially those who are Christians and avowedly servants of Mine. Will there be sharing and cooperation in finding new ways to adapt, or will there be unhealthy competition for continued affluence.

There will be some expressed concern about deaths… more than “expected”, because of social disruption… from violence, disease, and medical problems, with “answers” that can no longer be affordable. You know that I have no such concerns… shall, actually be pleased if one result of this is a diminished population in the developed world.

… by this forecast of some amount of chaos? Not really. It is not important to Me that your culture (which is Christian when it appears to be advantageous) continue to be the Power on earth, financial, military, and political. If your “health” is to be measured by a continuing rise in the stock market then I’d say that some amount of “ill-health” is deserved… and good… once in awhile.

Is it wise… and safe… for your church to set forth on a building/renovating project as ambitious as this one is at this time? No, it is not safe, and while I shall listen to prayers for My help I am not inclined to change the effects of this technological “glitch” or to diminish the effects of Asian economic and political difficulties on your American economy. Will it be an opportunity for spiritual growth, however this technological “miscalculation” affects “your project”.

Remember, of course, that I know that the most spiritual growth and development comes when there is also a good chance for spiritual regression – in times of crisis, difficulty, and chaos. This is one of the most unique features of earth life… and I’ll just conclude, from eons of experience, that, “it works”.

So, yes, these golden years of yours and Lenores, may be a bit more “tarnished” than expected, but WORTHWHILE, say I.

3:03 PM