Am I Concerned About “Problems”?

MON., JUNE 8, 1998, 11:52 AM

Your culture, as you have often observed, is one that defines and focuses on “problems” with great elan and verve. (Am I being redundant?) Your Americanized Christianity is influenced by this focus, and many of you come to assume that I, the Triune God, am as concerned as the “best” (or “worst”) of you are. Yet I continue to tell you that I am quite pleased with what I observe in earth life… it’s proceeding just about as I want it to. I see little need for miraculous interventions or a more passive “wringing of Hands”.

What I look for is spirit that is being “exercised” toward growth, evidenced by concern for others and for the web of life. I see much evidence of love and of service, and a fair amount of “allegiance” to Me. As I tell you repeatedly, the apparent tragedies of life are so often the impetus for motivations and behaviors that are pleasing to Me, Holy Spirit. I am never limited to just the action as reported in the paper or on the evening news. I am aware of much more and can appreciate “whole pictures” rather than just “crimes” or “violence”.

As a backdrop for what has been described as a “rash of school shootings” I see the vast majority of youngsters participating in school learning and activities with good motivations, with concerns for one another, for their teachers and for their schools. You remember your school days and those years teaching and coaching at Punahou with much pleasure and positive feeling. And actually, despite the news reports I see most school experiences, even today, as more like your experiences than the violence, as portrayed.

As you read and re-read the Scriptural story, when I was more obviously directly involved with My chosen people and those around them you notice violence and other less-than-ideal conditions. Did I cause such… or allow them? (The alternatives… that I couldn’t change situations or that I just didn’t care… are, of course, silly.) I, as the One True God AND as the Trinity of Almighty God and Father (who is almost two Himself), Jesus, the Incarnated One who taught, and then willingly gave His life as a gift to you all, and Holy Spirit, Who continues to teach, counsel, and act in ways and situations unimaginable, Am “in charge” of earth life.

I don’t determine everything that happens, but I assess… and then prevent, modify, allow, and/or cause. There is no way you can even imagine how this all happens. I’ll just reassure you that I am satisfied, even pleased, with all that I see, including final consequences of the myriad happenings of each day.

I have told you that I have prevented all possible exchanges of nuclear warheads since the bombs that ended World War II. You wonder if I am considering the “allowance” of a small nuclear exchange to reinforce the foolishness of such weapons. I’ll say Yes, I am so considering.

I’ll also reiterate that I am minimally concerned with human deaths. The Scriptures give more credence to this attitude than to one that would preserve every life for… how long? Death is just the return to some spirit realm… some “mansion”… where LIFE continues, enriched or diminished by the earth experience.

You know I am concerned with the interactions of an increasing human population, increasing technology, and finite earth on this small planet. Yet I don’t see this as a “problem”. Rather it is a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, (I even like the “personal” title of El Nino as an apparent cause of some of the “losses” of this year, for I also see some very positive, helpful results of this warm seawater phenomenon.)

MON., JUNE 8, 1998, 11:52 AM

Your culture, as you have often observed, is one that defines and focuses on “problems” with great elan and verve. (Am I being redundant?) Your Americanized Christianity is influenced by this focus, and many of you come to assume that I, the Triune God, am as concerned as the “best” (or “worst”) of you are. Yet I continue to tell you that I am quite pleased with what I observe in earth life… it’s proceeding just about as I want it to. I see little need for miraculous interventions or . . .

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