Am I “Democratic”?

SUN., FEB. 16, 1997, 6:02 AM

You haven’t been particularly faithful this week in coming for Teachings. You are as aware of this as I am, and you wondered, last evening, whether you would awaken in time for My comments this morning. Well, here you are… by a combination (a mystical one, of course) of your will and Mine. I even gave you the title before you were out of bed. Is there a clear answer to this question? So, you will find out, won’t you!?

Politically, your culture is the supposed standard-bearer of democracy. You want all governments to be elected in honest elections, with all adult citizens voting. Then the duty of the “electee” becomes cloudy. If you are elected should you faithfully represent the will and desires of all the people of your “district”, of those who elected you, OR should you stand for what you consider right, morally, or what is right for your constituents, despite their wishes? When do you take positions that favor the larger group, and when do you favor certain groups, even individuals? Your President just halted a strike by the airline pilot’s union against a major airline because it would have too great an effect upon the whole country’s economy. He was supported for election by union labor. Was he right in taking this action against a union’s democratic action?

That’s more than enough background. What about Me, the Holy Spirit? In general, I’ll speak of Myself as a single God, not as One “divided” into three. I have special “functions” as Holy Spirit, but I also am involved completely in the “lives” and functioning of Almighty God and Jesus, the Son Who is the Christ. It doesn’t make sense in the rational thought of your culture, but, I’m sorry, that’s how it is. (I’m not really sorry… that’s just a “humble expression”.)

Your democratic government, interestingly, also has three “parts”, which are supposed to work together, but also be independent of one another. Your President has certain powers that are king-like, such as this mentioned action. He also is restricted in some ways, by the power of the legislature, and both can be judged by the judicial system. The system is supposed to work smoothly together, but it also can be adversarial, each having some checks on the potential power of the others.

As the Triune God We are not adversarial. There is no way I have control over the Father God… or He over Me. We are One, and what I say to you is what I say as Jesus and as God.

In general, I, and We, have set up this earth scene to function in natural ways. So just as your national President doesn’t micromanage your personal life… nor does the President of your University… so I don’t personally direct all that happens this day, or any day. The earth is turning in such a way that the sun will soon appear. I am not directly turning the earth. I don’t need to.

Yet I have super powers, and I never have given these up to satan or evil forces nor to you humans, in any absolute way. I do respond to some prayers, and there is plenty of evidence that “miracles” sometimes happen, prayers being answered in unpredicted ways. Quite a number of prayers are for the continuation of life rather than the experience of death. Occasionally I accede to such a prayer, but death is an important part of the “system”… and is quite worth experiencing.

SUN., FEB. 16, 1997, 6:02 AM

You haven’t been particularly faithful this week in coming for Teachings. You are as aware of this as I am, and you wondered, last evening, whether you would awaken in time for My comments this morning. Well, here you are… by a combination (a mystical one, of course) of your will and Mine. I even gave you the title before you were out of bed. Is there a clear answer to this question? So, you will find out, won’t you!?

Politically, your culture is the supposed standard-bearer of . . .

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