Am I Insouciant?

TUES., APR. 27, 1999, 6:40 AM

For some reason this word has “been in your head” during this past night. I didn’t “put it there,” but since it was part of your getting up and being here for a Teaching, I’ll “use” it. I’m certainly adaptable. Why not with words? Hear, o son.

Your dictionary defines it with four different words – calm, unbothered, carefree, and indifferent – and these don’t seem to be synonyms. Which ones apply to Me?

I am calm and unbothered, fundamentally. I created this earth realm (despite the continuing attempts of some scientist to “prove” otherwise). It is more complex than it seems… AND… for most of you, it is just the way it seems. It is a unique realm of life, just as I meant it to be. Many of the Old Testament stories picture Me as being anything but calm and unbothered. I am angry. I am sad. I am quite disturbed by what humans are doing.

In the present, I must be very disturbed by the actions of Serbs in Kosovo… with the killing and the disruption of simple living. Then I must be bothered by the bombs and missiles that your “side” uses, destroying property and a few lives. Isn’t all of this against My Will? How can I remain calm and unbothered?

I’ll say it again… and again: I Am… “in charge” of this earth, and despite your concerns about actions and then My reactions I see spirit being “developed” in these actions. In the midst of killing and destruction I see people helping one another. I see suffering, but I also see strength and valor. Remember how the “Bible story” begins: life was calm and unbothered in the Garden. I had to “get the good kids out of it.” There are now incredibly more humans, and what would it be like if there were no deaths?

The example in Littleton is even more vivid. It was a “terrible massacre,” but, finally, only a dozen or so were killed, a small portion of the more than 1800 involved. Now there is great sadness, but also much more expression of caring and love than before the tragic day. Remember also that I am not bothered by deaths. I “experimented” with having humans live hundreds of years, so the Bible implies. Now I see the consequences of living, individually, more than three score and ten years. There have to be deaths… and in about the same proportion as births, the event that generally is an occasion for joy.

In the “big picture” I see, I am unbothered by births and deaths. I am concerned and interested in the spiritual development in lives, no matter what the length. In Peter’s Park the cremains of your Mother are buried, after a long life that was full of loving service and relationship with Me. But then there were years at the end of her life that had value only in “testing” the spirits of those who were around her.

Peter’s body is now part of that hillside, in the natural course of bodies buried in the earth. He had a beginning relationship with Me, but he also exhibited anger and sorrow and didn’t have the earth time to counter these and live life as fully as I wanted for him. He made progress… and he also “lost some ground.” And then there is the unmarked “grave” of one who would have been Mateo, who wasn’t even born… and therefore had no immortal soul yet. Rivanna and Shannon now have a better chance for happiness together, without this “surprise.”

But am I indifferent? No, that definition doesn’t apply. I love this earth and the life that abounds. I am not indifferent to the harm to that web of life that you humans are causing. There shall be a better balance, and that does mean human deaths.

TUES., APR. 27, 1999, 6:40 AM

For some reason this word has “been in your head” during this past night. I didn’t “put it there,” but since it was part of your getting up and being here for a Teaching, I’ll “use” it. I’m certainly adaptable. Why not with words? Hear, o son.

Your dictionary defines it with four different words – calm, unbothered, carefree, and indifferent – and these don’t seem to be synonyms. Which ones apply to Me?

I am calm and unbothered, fundamentally. I created this earth realm (despite the continuing attempts . . .

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