Am I Involved… ?

SUN., SEPT. 15, 1996, 5:14 AM

This morning will be the last of these sessions with the youth who may join the church next Spring. This has not been a “great” experience for you, but it has helped you to get re-acquainted with 12, 13, and 14 year olds. In this last time that you’ll be with them you want them to think about how I, as the Triune God, am involved in some of the things they put down as liking in the wider and smaller worlds in which they live.

As befitting their age they say they like technology. How am I involved in this, if at all? Basically I continue to create humans, some of whom have creative, adaptable minds. I have encouraged education and have urged some of these able people to become teachers, while others, with and without formal education, have developed various forms of technology. I see some advantages in some forms of technology, but, in your culture, it tends to be overused and overdeveloped.

Technology is not out of My control, but it has gone somewhat beyond what I would see as ideal. On the other hand I have prevented certain developments, in discovery, in implementation, and in use, that I have considered particularly undesirable. Details are not important for you to know. I still am “in charge” of this earth scene, and I do allow some happenings that don’t seem ideal, but from which come spiritual growth. I don’t “fine-tune” earth life, but I’m quite aware of what is going on and what consequences are likely to be. And always remember, death is rarely a tragedy from My perspective.

As I said earlier I do encourage some good people to become teachers (as I did you) and some become really good at it. Yet there often have to be more in classrooms and on athletic fields, than just “the best”. Talented, dedicated people are spread across the professions and occupations so some, who do anything, have to be “below average”. Oh, I would like to have all “above average” teachers, but, as I said, I don’t micro-manage the earth. One of the downsides of a capitalistic system is that many able people seek higher paying life jobs.

This implies freedom. How do I feel about freedom? Another repeat: I am not against personal, social, political, economic, and religious freedoms, even as they produce some obvious harms. However, what I want most is for each human to relate to Me in ways that give up apparent freedoms, in order that you might enjoy the true freedom that comes in service to Me. It is a paradoxical truth that the more you give up perceived freedom to be just who you want to be, the freer you become to be what I want for you and what I want for you to want for yourself.

Some persons waste lives in freedom. But I am patient. There are other realms where some souls do better. The earth was not and is not “designed” for each individual to be a great success. Freedoms have their downsides.

Democracy “seems” like the ideal form of government, but when all don’t participate and when some exert excessive influence it becomes less than ideal. I guess you could say that I, as Almighty God, I, as Jesus the Christ, and I, as Holy Spirit, constitute an ideal democracy. We can be perceived in many ways, but We don’t share power and influence beyond what We determine. We are Three, and yet We also are One.

SUN., SEPT. 15, 1996, 5:14 AM

This morning will be the last of these sessions with the youth who may join the church next Spring. This has not been a “great” experience for you, but it has helped you to get re-acquainted with 12, 13, and 14 year olds. In this last time that you’ll be with them you want them to think about how I, as the Triune God, am involved in some of the things they put down as liking in the wider and smaller worlds in which they live.

As befitting their . . .

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