Am I Pleased?

THURS., JULY 25, 1991, 12:21 PM

Am I, the Holy Spirit, pleased with how humans, and particularly My Christian folk, are feeling and acting in relation to ecology and the environment? Well, I see some progress. I am pleased with the way you have conducted this class, and I would ask only for more emphasis, tomorrow, on the importance of spirit and of a theology that includes this covenant relationship with the earth. I am not pleased with the lack of interest that is evident by the small attendance. There should be more learning about this vital relationship.

You can see that I have given you many Teachings on this theme, with Ruminations resulting. I do not say, however, that this is enough. Rather I shall continue to help you be a better educator on this topic. Will there be even future Ruminations on this theme? Very likely, for it is part of the fundamental earth task for which you have been called.

Talk some tomorrow about some of your home practices. Let this cause you to consider what else you can do that will represent commitment to the goal of a better balanced resource usage. You are not as far along as you could be. You should continue to improve.

I would like to see you improve your garden this Fall. It would be good to develop at least one more raised bed, at least for planting next Spring. And just be sure that you plant your present ones quite intensively rather soon. I know this shall not be a major priority with you in the near future, but it should be a somewhat visible aspect of your Farm life.

I am pleased with your use of wood and paper for heat in the cold months. You still have much work in filling your woodshed ahead, but I am pleased that you are thinking of this now, and considering what cutting needs to be done. You know you could have a fire more often in your study rather than the heater and that it just takes a bit more time and effort. Consider some increase as the Fall comes along.

Your teaching in this area is coming along well. You can increase your emphasis on spirit in both your own class and in Survival. It shall be added gently, with no ensuing conflict. Continue to develop activities that move students out into the environment and into more conversation about his area of interest.

With your country’s general response I am not pleased. As you emphasize, your culture’s main concern seems to be with growth, with little concentration on what this means for My earth. Automobiles, luxuries, and high tech medicine seem to be priorities… almost gauges of your culture’s health. And you are driving a big, non-desirable vehicle here. Of course I do consider that it was given to you, so keep it in good condition and make it last, as you dd your former large vehicle. Hat’s the next best approach, beyond economy of manufacture and operation.

Your country, despite its Christian heritage, continues basically profligate. I want the Christian theology to be altered in ways that I have instructed, in earlier Teachings. And yet I do not put this as a burden on the spirits of many preachers and seminary professors. I thus repeat that there will be both natural and manufacture-induced tragedies, which shall be necessary for major changes in national and personal lifestyles.

I do not promise to save you from some or all of such tragedies. Yet I might, if I felt that your work here on earth was important to My purposes. Naturally, if I do save you, by prevention, you can never be certain that it was My Presence and My preference for you that was responsible.

THURS., JULY 25, 1991, 12:21 PM

Am I, the Holy Spirit, pleased with how humans, and particularly My Christian folk, are feeling and acting in relation to ecology and the environment? Well, I see some progress. I am pleased with the way you have conducted this class, and I would ask only for more emphasis, tomorrow, on the importance of spirit and of a theology that includes this covenant relationship with the earth. I am not pleased with the lack of interest that is evident by the small attendance. There should be more learning about . . .

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