Am I Still In Contact?

JULY 15, 1979, 5:45 AM

I have not written for 5 days. After 2 months of faithful response to the Spirit’s leading I became restive about the time this was taking and about the seemingly repetitive nature of the lessons… and mostly about the volume of material I had which I really was not using. So, with the Spirit’s reluctant permission I gave up the requirement, but was told the invitation was still out. Any time that I came, the Spirit would instruct (within His prerogatives, of course.) So this day, still a bit pressed for time I come again. It is going to be a beautiful Sunday morning, and I honestly come to see if I am still in contact.

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

You can feel, o son, the pull upon your pen. I let you write your explanatory prologue, but you felt, didn’t you, that I was close and ready to guide your writing hand. You know not what I have to say, for you have not given to Me the selection of a theme. So be it. I shall speak of your life without this discipline. (This is not your favorite theme, surely.)

I want not that you feel guilty over your lapse in discipline. As I’ve said to you… this is not an emotion that produces much eventual good… or to put it in a more positive frame, it usually distorts a life’s rhythm rather than enhancing it. But you have lived since the 10th without this regular time of tithe to Me. Honestly, of course, you are no less harried and no more blessed with time than before. That is My law.

I realize it is not logical, and I certainly feel for your dilemma now. You have more to do than you should, and that is vexing, certainly. Maintain your style. Do important, significant things, being aware of alternatives, but giving full attention to what it is you’re doing. Yes, feeding, fixing fence, and working in the garden are important parts of your rhythm. They are parts of your health. Don’t think this is time wasted. Reading and reflecting also is necessary. And moments of ease and reflection in the meditation garden or in the swing or in Peter’s Park are also part of the rhythm. (Perhaps you will have a chance to voice this today.)

The total point is that you are doing well. I am pleased with you. You still are developing satisfactorily. You shall become more fluent in the expression of the spiritual dimension. You are not yet comfortable with it, but, on the other hand, you’re more comfortable than anyone else in your profession. I am aware of both truths. And I appreciate both.

Yes, it is a beautiful Sunday, and you already have planned a crammed day. It could be a disaster… or you could be aware and could appreciate the ways in which the parts fit together.

It is time that you move on in this mad dash on My Sabbath. As you did last Sunday, acknowledge Me. Remember the Sabbath. It is not a day just to do nothing, but to remember My power and sovereignty. Give Me credit. Appreciate from whence the flow comes.

Initiate with Matthew this afternoon. Try to engage his spirit. See how he feels about the Sabbath. Don’t tell him how he should feel. Honestly listen to how he feels… and share your conviction with him.

Yes, I like this time, and I could keep you over long. Be about your other tasks. The answer to your question obviously is: I am still in contact! Come often.

Let your happy heart reign. It is the best. Be Me this day.

Hallelujah! and Amen
6:20 AM