American Youth

FRI., NOV. 3, 1989, 6:30 AM

One of the definite assets of any culture is its youth. This is true of the American culture of which you are a part. Youth are those who are no longer children and yet are not yet recognized adults. Age is not as important as actions, attitudes, and roles. Some 12 year olds are youths, while others are children. Some 22 year olds are adults, while others remain as youths.

Holy Scripture has little to say about youth, for, in general, in the culture of those times there was a more direct step from childhood to taking adult roles. And, unfortunately, there is no Biblical record of My years as a youth, as Jesus. In the one story of Me during the years I was growing “in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and other people” I was 12 years old, but My actions were those of an adult. I had the desire to “be about My Father’s business,” and I acted as an independent adult rather than as a submissive child. In one sense it is legitimate to ask how I was as a youth. In another sense it is not, for Scripture should be seen as complete and perfect. I tell you that both views are truly legitimate, even as they seem to conflict.

In your American culture there is a definite time of youth, when one is no longer a child, but yet may not be considered an adult. Many of the problems which youth experience arise from this status of not being… and yet not being. Your culture requires education for most meaningful, desired life work. Some youth reject or at least do not profit from their educational opportunities. This leave them frustrated with their youth role and unprepared to be a functioning adult. Some try to assume adult privileges before they are willing and able to take the responsibilities. This usually produces confusion in the youth and also in the children and adults with whom he associates.

My view, as the Holy Spirit, of course, is that youth is a unique time in which spirit should grow. There are so many wonderful ways in which spirit can grow, and those who are “successful” as youths take and create many of these. I see so many youth who are growing in spirit in churches, on athletic teams, in musical groups, in service organizations… and in some quite individualistic ways. Many of these are not sure about many aspects of life and about Me and My will for them, but they seek in responsible ways, and they do develop in wisdom and in spirit, as they do in stature and size.

But then there are the troubled youth… those who do not seek to grow in spirit. Some are hindered, certainly, from lack of support from parents, their community, and peers. Some, with rather mature spirits, rise above this lack of support and develop in spite of difficult environments. Many cannot. Yet spirit often seeks still to develop, and so it does in some unfortunate, twisted ways in youth gangs and in non-sustainable relationships. For example, some seek to grow through marriage and parenthood as a youth, but are not able to grow into these roles, and so even younger lives are stunted and hindered in desired growth.

Some of the most demanding and difficult service to Me in this earth is in working with youth who have not had or have taken the opportunities to grow in spirit. Mark is experiencing this, as are a number of young adults in many settings… and even a few older adults. Some of the Preacher’s admonitions apply, but it is oh, so hard to determine… when it is a time to keep and when to cast away… a time to keep silence and a time to speak. How can you truly love a young person and yet hate what they do, to themselves and to others?

FRI., NOV. 3, 1989, 6:30 AM

One of the definite assets of any culture is its youth. This is true of the American culture of which you are a part. Youth are those who are no longer children and yet are not yet recognized adults. Age is not as important as actions, attitudes, and roles. Some 12 year olds are youths, while others are children. Some 22 year olds are adults, while others remain as youths.

Holy Scripture has little to say about youth, for, in general, in the culture of those times there was a more . . .

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