Among The Seekers

THURS., MAR. 2, 1989, 6:52 AM

Your evening among the seekers went well. The story you told was identified as a Christian story, and you told of your relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. You did forget to emphasize that I, the Holy Spirit, did choose you for this relationship, which is an unlikely choice, but is a true and real one, nevertheless. Some of My servants who serve as guides are also very articulate and can be very helpful. But you were perhaps too humble in acknowledging the nature of your Source.

You found these seekers to be accepting and interested. There were questions and comments that were not disturbing nor disquieting. You responded with the spirit that is yours to exhibit. Generally you conducted yourself creditably.

This was a sheltering group to whom you could tell your story. It was not chance, of course, but an “arranged” opportunity for you to tell the most complete version of your story yet. Does this mean that there will be other opportunities, some less hospitable? Just be ready, for such may well come.

I want you to continue to do with students what I have done with you… seek out those who have rather obvious spiritual paths. Be a bit bolder, even though you may make a few mistakes. Your spirit is gentle enough to be your major protection against any who could become hostile. You now are doing this with more comfort, and I call on you to do even more. Accept that some who are not seekers, either as more “orthodox” Christians or as those who reject spiritual matters, may ridicule you behind your back. You shall not be comfortable when you hear such rumors or truth, but I tell you that you are now ready for such “treatment.”

The mode I want is still… tell me your story. You are not a preacher but a story teller. Others have stories to tell, and the others to whom you have access are students. Use this access even more. Some will come to you, but you may also reach out and seek. Obviously papers written are a good clue, so be aware and follow some up. As I Am, you need not be seeking a path or truth from sources other than the Scriptures and these Teachings, but you can and should be a seeker of seekers, particularly those who could react to your story by returning to the Christian fold.

Your Ruminations go out to both believers and seekers. Continue to see this as another, tangible, means of telling your story. It is a strong affirmation to those whose spirits can discern, and you must always identify the Source and briefly describe the process. You are going to be pressed to get this first one of 1989 written on time, but I trust that you do consider it a prime priority.

Yes, o son, the theme is a proper one. You discovered that your sabbatical author often wrote in ways that illuminated a merger or amalgam of Human/Spiritual Interacting and Ecological Balancing. This shall be your focus, working with Teachings I have offered recently that bear on this theme. You may also refer to your sabbatical study paper and include some pertinent selections from Dubos. Yet keep it solidly in the style of previous Ruminations.

You realize that you have much to do, and rather little time to accomplish all that is yours to do. I tell you to restrain your seeking after more responsibilities, except as these fit in with what I just have prescribed. Continue to come to Me, for I continue to seek you as one who can and should learn from Me. Then you become the actual answer to the seeking of some others. I’m sorry this keeps you so busy, but you’re still young and healthy enough for such a “schedule.” Yet do listen to your body for evidences of time to pull back.

THURS., MAR. 2, 1989, 6:52 AM

Your evening among the seekers went well. The story you told was identified as a Christian story, and you told of your relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. You did forget to emphasize that I, the Holy Spirit, did choose you for this relationship, which is an unlikely choice, but is a true and real one, nevertheless. Some of My servants who serve as guides are also very articulate and can be very helpful. But you were perhaps too humble in acknowledging the nature of your Source.

You found these seekers . . .

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