An Active Day Ahead

SAT., DEC. 8, 1991, 6:40 AM

Usually My comments are pertinent to events that already have occurred in your experience and life. Since yours is not a prophesy experience I usually avoid advising you about coming events. However on this clear, cold morning before the sun rises you shall hear some comments upon the tomorrow, the Sunday #2 in Advent. And… I shall refer to events that you plan to be part of and not of matters that shall arise spontaneously.

The Hanging of the Green is, symbolically, the opening acknowledgement of the Advent season. The tree will be in the narthex, and the children will feel more a part of the congregation as they put on the ornaments. The children and youth will offer renditions of part of this great Christmas story, and there will be fellowship around cookies and then sandwiches. Always remember that fellowship is a fine aspect of the Christian experience, here in the earth. There are people in this congregation that you don’t know very well, so take this opportunity to increase this friendship knowledge. It will be easier just to relate to people you already know, so apply the Christmas spirit and “reach out” … a bit. You’ll be glad you did.

Son Matthew’s invitation to the opening of his new business enterprise must be accepted. He still needs to be assured of your love and support, on his slow, rocky path to more spiritual development. For years, now, I have told you that Matthew will eventually come into active relationship with Me. His new wealth may seem to make this less likely, but don’t be surprised if it becomes a factor in his turning. He is still young, even by earth standards, so there is time for him to acknowledge Me, and I reiterate that I am allowing him these somewhat decadent years as part of his total life experience. You, as his Father, have an important role to play in his life, even as it is not a regular one. Just don’t miss opportunities to support him. Tomorrow should be one.

A visit to the Keen’s should close out the afternoon. These are good Christian folk who have chosen this place to live in their retirement. They are attracted to both you and Lenore, so it takes little effort on your part to fulfill their needs for your friendship. Enjoy the celebration they offer and, again, take opportunities to get to know some people better than you do now.

The day shall close with the songs and carols of Christmas. You must do some practicing today and tomorrow so that your playing is at least acceptable. Your talent with the guitar always has been minimal, but also unique. As you get older it becomes even more so. You needn’t try to become significantly better, but you must maintain what competence you have. Your enthusiasm will encourage people to sing, and singing and the appreciation of music should always be seen as an important part of this season. Never fret about opportunities that are not offered to you… just take the ones that come with a joyous and thankful heart.

This day, fourteen years ago, was an active one, but in a much different way. Your son, Peter, had been killed, and you and Lenore had to make many decisions about how that death should be made a significant part of your life together. You decided to bury his “boy” with him. You arranged for the casket and for those who would dig the grave. You decided on the site, which has grown in beauty over the years. Good choices were made. Marylin’s experience, her special gift to you from Me, was that which assured you that Peter had moved on comfortably to a new realm where he continues to grow spiritually.

SAT., DEC. 8, 1991, 6:40 AM

Usually My comments are pertinent to events that already have occurred in your experience and life. Since yours is not a prophesy experience I usually avoid advising you about coming events. However on this clear, cold morning before the sun rises you shall hear some comments upon the tomorrow, the Sunday #2 in Advent. And… I shall refer to events that you plan to be part of and not of matters that shall arise spontaneously.

The Hanging of the Green is, symbolically, the opening acknowledgement of the Advent season. The tree . . .

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