An Active God… I Can Be

TUES., SEPT. 13, 1994, 2:46 PM

Reading the initial chapters of Daniel, which shall be your breakfast group’s study focus for a time, you hear the affirmation that I can be quite an active God, in more than spiritual-only ways. I have told you that generally I don’t interfere with the natural happenings of earth life, but Daniel counters that in a way. What do I say to you now?

First, I want to deny the affirmation that I have set the laws of nature and of human cultures, and I then step away and let them function… meaning that I take few to no actions in the earth. This is a shattering of the First Commandment, creating a God Who is not as I am. I am active, in ways beyond what you can fathom.

Next let Me deny the opposite of this passive picture of Me. I am not a God Who determines every action that is taken, every thought, and every decision that is made. I am often tempted to cause or to prevent some action that would be beneficial, but I usually let the benefit come from human behavior that can benefit spirit. I am active, but often in deliberately withholding in a human crisis situation.

I have told you of some of the ways I have influenced your life, even as it has seemed that you made the decisions and took the actions independently. I have guided you, have accepted your shortcomings, and have been pleased when you have learned from both successes and not-so’s.

What have I done in relation to your leg and foot problems? I caused and allowed (it was some of both) two instances of pain and disability from which you seemed to recover completely. You treated these as spiritual “problems” primarily, and you learned some important lessons. The lesson from the first disablement is one you’re applying now: you can grow in spirit even if nerve regeneration does not happen… or if partial recovery takes a long time. You can live fully however your foot feels and responds.

You also wonder whether I’m influencing developments in your prostate. You are taking in the more natural counters to cancer development, and you are living your life fully and positively. You have faith that I am capable of doing what is best for you. You hope that this is a longer life without more disruptive surgery or radiation, but you accept that My Will for you may be different. Just know that however this develops it shall have My approval and will afford you important learnings.

You are coming to see that more and more of what your culture defines as problems have no true solutions but are opportunities for spiritual growth in so many ways. A tiny portion of deaths are truly problems. Most are part of the flow of life. A plane crashed last week, and 132 were killed. Many more planes flew on that day, without mishap. Some good earth lives were shortened. In many hospitals and nursing homes lives were extended beyond what they should have been. I could have prevented that crash, but it served to remind some that technology has its limitations, as does generally expert performance. I could take some “old lives,” but these can be reminders that technology and life-saving can be of questionable value.

TUES., SEPT. 13, 1994, 2:46 PM

Reading the initial chapters of Daniel, which shall be your breakfast group’s study focus for a time, you hear the affirmation that I can be quite an active God, in more than spiritual-only ways. I have told you that generally I don’t interfere with the natural happenings of earth life, but Daniel counters that in a way. What do I say to you now?

First, I want to deny the affirmation that I have set the laws of nature and of human cultures, and I then step . . .

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