An Adventure Ahead

SAT., AUG. 2, 1997, 6:25 AM

There have been other “traveling adventures” in your life, certainly, some without problems and a few that did test your adaptability. You hope this is one of the former, but you have feelings for the latter. When you were younger such adventures were just part of “the spice of life”. Now they seem much less worthwhile. But… off you shall go, with prayers to Me, and We shall see what happens.

You have known all summer that this trip and this reunion time would be coming shortly after this month of concentrated teaching, with this week, just past, in between. For all that has happened this week it is good that you accepted the “marshalship” for graduation. If you had planned to leave earlier there would have been much frustration.

I’m not pleased, naturally, that this “Spring” Ruminations still is unfinished. I understand the choices you’ve made, and I know you’ll finish it, but I did hear a promise… and I expect others to come until you’re back on schedule. It’s good that grace abounds, but… I haven’t forgotten how to justly punish. It must be your top priority when you return, no matter what develops from now on.

This pad and pen were in readiness, but sleep was also a necessity, with the night trip coming up at the end of this day. I used a familiar way to awaken you, lest you should feel that Our relationship could be put off. I’m glad you’re here, but be aware of this shortened time of sleep as you are on the road tonight.

This teaching adventure that has been your career has been a fairly lengthy one. Yet you still remember that first classroom in Bishop Hall… and the ones that followed. There’s not much about that campus that is the same as when you first arrived… at least those buildings that were important to you. Forty nine years, in this culture, and there have to be changes.

As your career has ended you’ve had a fine office, which became another fairly familiar site for Our teaching/learning adventure. You have been adaptable over Our years together, hearing Me in some variety of places, but it has been good to have some stability and continuity also. We shall see whether another “secondary site” develops, when that office is no longer yours.

As to the reunion adventure I see that you’re not as excited, in anticipation, as you feel you should be. There will be some good aspects of the “time together”… and some that will be forgettable. Enter into it with as much spirit as you can muster. You’d rather be here, but you’ll be there. Enjoy it as much as you can.

As long as we’re on the adventure theme, hear some comments about the discussion of Abraham and Sarah last evening. I called Abraham, and he was relatively faithful to that call. As the Bible story tells it, he wasn’t the “perfect man”. He had faults and shortcomings, and it was a strange burden that I laid upon him… and also a unique opportunity. You don’t feel much “kinship” with him, and I won’t urge more than you feel, naturally.

You did feel some relationship last evening, however, in similar reactions to My call, to you. You have felt some doubts about the validity of this call, and you feel the non-acceptance or skepticism by many of this gift I have foisted upon you. You enjoy the process, but you don’t enjoy being “so different” from family, friends, fellow Christians, and “your culture”.

SAT., AUG. 2, 1997, 6:25 AM

There have been other “traveling adventures” in your life, certainly, some without problems and a few that did test your adaptability. You hope this is one of the former, but you have feelings for the latter. When you were younger such adventures were just part of “the spice of life”. Now they seem much less worthwhile. But… off you shall go, with prayers to Me, and We shall see what happens.

You have known all summer that this trip and this reunion time would be coming shortly after this month of . . .

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