An Adventure In Wisconsin

SUN., OCT. 6, 1985, 7:06 AM

In the middle of this last week you felt apprehensive about this “adventure”… a whole day workshop on humor and health. I have given you preparation for it, and you had done enough preparation of your own, yet it had not “jelled”. You trusted in Me, o son, and you did it well enough. It was not spectacular, but that was not to be expected. Feel good, but know that you do not yet have a finished product.

As you see the adventure in the perspective of this Sunday morning you do see that the workshop was only part of the contribution you made here… only part of the reason for being here. You were offered an opportunity to tell a story of your relationship with Me and of the origin of these Teachings. You took the opportunity with just about the right amount of reluctance and humility. You felt that the group was basically receptive to the whole story, and you trusted that this atmosphere would influence some who were reluctant or skeptical to hear… even as they might not in another atmosphere. It was a joyous experience for you. You felt it, and you showed it. Others profited by it in different degrees. It was a unique after-dinner “monologue”, and one of which I obviously and heartily approve. This was an important portion of the adventure in Wisconsin.

Then last evening you played and sang in this informal, home setting, displaying another of My small gifts to you. This capacity to sing songs in a joyous way has been with you for most of your career, and you have used it, but sparingly. I don’t call you to display it blatantly, but I also urge you to be a little less reticent and a little more willing to offer this to others. I won’t bug you about those songs that must be created anew, but you did hear yourself saying this was desirable. (Don’t you appreciate this educational, motivational style of Mine?) So don’t just put the instrument away… and be open to any invitations that come this week at the convention. You know what you need to do in relation to reminders of songs. It is no monstrous task.

I titled this “an adventure” because opportunities came that you had not expected, and your spirit was, appropriately, open to adventure. I realize that this isn’t appropriate for every day… and yet I must say that this is a major characteristic of a developed, mature spirit. Each day, each event is a potential adventure, even when the consequences are apparently or actually negative. If you should have car trouble, that would be an adventure. If your cows get out… this, too is potentially an adventure. Surmounting this cold has been an adventure. You needn’t verbalize this and share it far and wide, for it could tie the “freaky” label to you, and this I don’t want. But I want you to be conscious of the adventurous quality of life… and to let this realization be with you as an interpreter of life events… certainly in retrospect if not in the actual happening.

SUN., OCT. 6, 1985, 7:06 AM

In the middle of this last week you felt apprehensive about this “adventure”… a whole day workshop on humor and health. I have given you preparation for it, and you had done enough preparation of your own, yet it had not “jelled”. You trusted in Me, o son, and you did it well enough. It was not spectacular, but that was not to be expected. Feel good, but know that you do not yet have a finished product.

As you see the adventure in the perspective of this Sunday . . .

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