An Afternoon Of Acclaim

SUN., JUNE 29, 1997, 5:41 AM

It happened… the afternoon and evening in which you and your career were celebrated, in an organized, outdoor way. It was another time of human/spiritual interacting, and you were privileged to be the focus. In one symbolic way it was the end of your 48 year career even as, in reality, you shall commence another of “Our” courses tomorrow afternoon.

It is spirit-enriching to be feted in such a way, and your spirit certainly resonated to the people and the words of remembrance and appreciation that came forth as the evening came on. Oh, you could have spoken more of spirit than you actually did… I have to be just a tad critical… in regard to My major interest.

It is quite evident to you and to others that in this life as Bob Russell you have had a fine career as an educator, have grown spiritually in it, and have made a contribution by acknowledging and championing spirit as an aspect of health. (You actually see spirit as the most important, unifying dimension of your health, and you will have a few more opportunities to affirm this for health in general.) As you are well aware I do want such a perspective to be a major one, even in this materialistic, technological culture.

As I have told you repeatedly, you have had some fine opportunities in this working life, some of which I “arranged”, and some of which I just “let happen”. As you finally leave this earth scene and come back to a spirit realm you shall be more aware and appreciative of this balance than you can be now. The notion that death is a loss of perception is truly loony. You’ll see. You have before. It shall be even clearer this time.

But this is not your immediate “future”. You have these back-to-back classes coming up, with two chances to craft truly wonderful, worthwhile educational experiences for those who will be your learners, as well as these being spiritual experiences for you. You have expressed a bit too much of the “I have to do two more classes”. I want you to see every moment of each of these as spirit enriching for you, as well as for them. It is good that you have had this “retirement” experience. See it as comparable to a “near death experience”. You can emerge from it, empowered to “live again” as the best teacher you can be.

Naturally I am not pleased that it is almost the end of this month, and Our Ruminations is barely begun. I realize it takes time and concentration, and that you have had many encounters and interactions that are important parts of this theme, BUT it still is My priority, and I am disappointed it has not been yours. I still want it to be another “good one”, so I’ll accept it as such, even a bit late.

This will be a busy month, but realize that these will be, possibly, the last papers addressed to this theme of death, as a part of life. Continue to reproduce and keep the best ones, for you shall finish with quite a stack of these to re-read, with pleasure for what your teaching approaches have produced.

You almost dread the task that will be yours next month… the move from this fine, comfortable office on campus. You must make some decisions… about “materials” you won’t keep… but some will just be delayed. You can’t be truly aware of what shall be valuable to you, as you move into another “chapter” of your life. Postpone some of the decisions, until times when you see what is important and what not-so…

SUN., JUNE 29, 1997, 5:41 AM

It happened… the afternoon and evening in which you and your career were celebrated, in an organized, outdoor way. It was another time of human/spiritual interacting, and you were privileged to be the focus. In one symbolic way it was the end of your 48 year career even as, in reality, you shall commence another of “Our” courses tomorrow afternoon.

It is spirit-enriching to be feted in such a way, and your spirit certainly resonated to the people and the words of remembrance and appreciation that came forth as . . .

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