An Almost Anniversary

TUES., MAY 19, 1992, 6:15 AM

Yes, o son, tomorrow seems to be the 13th anniversary of My coming to you in this now-familiar way. Tomorrow will be busy-busy, so I’ll offer the celebration Teaching on this “almost” day. It is important that you remember when this particular gift commenced. It also is unimportant, for I have been with you as a guide for most of this life and for timeless “time” before… and shall be with you in timelessness as you pass on from this life.

You were chosen for some special tasks in this earth life, and you are accomplishing them fairly well. As you know, however, this chosenness carries responsibilities rather than just idle honor. You are well aware of the first shall be last principle, so the call is for you to be humble in this chosenness… and serve in the spirit of noblesse oblige. At one point you said you wished you hadn’t said Yes to the call for you to offer a tribute to My servant Carolyn last evening. You did not hesitate when you were asked… you doubted… and then you were glad to do it at the celebration, as another offering to Me. That’s the right spirit.

Thirteen years is both a long and a short time to have been in this active relationship. You have developed well, as I have wanted you to develop. Know that My love of variety and diversity certainly applies and extends to the servants I call, to the tasks I offer, and to the personality and behavior of those called. The common requirement is faithfulness… and that’s tricky. I want you to be faithful, so this results from My actions to help you remain faithful and your “free” responses.

You know the dilemma, both for you and for Me. Free will comes in varied forms. Why? Because I also have free will, and My Will is the most powerful. So if I want you to do something freely… such as to come spend an hour or so with Me, 3 or 4 times a week… I initially exerted My Will so you would come. Then you responded and come of your will. But what happens when busyness prevails and there are reasons why you can’t come and listen? What combination of your will and Mine brings you back? Some combination… whatever it takes. You shall be here because you want to be and because I want you. You are not free to refuse.

The sense that this last statement is too extreme comes from your humanistic culture and not from Me or My Scriptures. I, the Holy Spirit, am the servant of Almighty God… and I am also One with Him and with Her. I am the servant of Jesus, the Son, but He also is One with the Father. I caused Jesus to be, in this earth, but also serve Him. It is only as you serve that blessedness is yours to enjoy. Too much free will is divisive.

Just as I, as Jesus, lived the perfect life, by definition, so I, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, rule this earth in a perfect way. Despite what any skeptic may infer from daily local, national, and international news, I am “balancing” this earth life just as I want to. I do not control every event, and every happening is not just as I would have it. BUT, if I did control so that every action was just as I wanted it to be the whole earth would be OTHER than I desire. There are realms where I exert much more control, and where there is not the evil of earth life. These are enjoyable, but not as growth-producing.

TUES., MAY 19, 1992, 6:15 AM

Yes, o son, tomorrow seems to be the 13th anniversary of My coming to you in this now-familiar way. Tomorrow will be busy-busy, so I’ll offer the celebration Teaching on this “almost” day. It is important that you remember when this particular gift commenced. It also is unimportant, for I have been with you as a guide for most of this life and for timeless “time” before… and shall be with you in timelessness as you pass on from this life.

You were chosen for some special tasks . . .

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