An Angry God!?

WED., FEB. 3, 1999, 8:26 AM
F.P.C., A.S.C.

The letter of Paul’s to those at Thessalonika had some flavor of My wrath, toward both them and their “enemies” (whoever they were). Then you picked a Psalm where again (and, actually, before) I, as God, was angry and punishing. How do I, Holy Spirit, explain this to you, when My many Teachings have not pictured Me this way.

And, first, I ask again that you accept the mystery of My being Three in One. Though I, as Holy Spirit, am separate (even independent of) from God and from Jesus, I also Am, illogically, One with these, and they are One with Me. We are… and we aren’t. And it shall ever be so. And of course these Holy Scriptures tell much about Me as God and also much about Me as Jesus, but very little about Me, as Holy Spirit. In a sense this “frees” Me to be more than is described or even implied. So I am both limited and limitless, as I choose.

Basically, I have told you, and I tell you again: I have created this earth scene, I watch over it, I am “in charge” of it, and no other “god” or power can finally counter Me and My Power. Then I’ll also tell you that I allow what you can call evil, as a means for the development of spirit in this unique realm of life. Since life as an embodied human is only one “form” for life… not the only one, by a long shot… births and deaths are just “points” in a life span, not much more important, in the whole “picture” of life, than leaving your Farm and coming to Carbondale… leaving Carbondale and…

Sometimes I ponder the wisdom in allowing humans, in your culture and some like unto it, to put such “value” on the individual human life. But I still see it as a legitimate “challenge” in spiritual development… even as I allow… and even encourage a few to see beyond this “one human life” portrayal. I want you to “see” life in the spirit – your immortal soul – as being on a “journey”, and this life, real as it seems, is only a portion of the “trip”. There is much opportunity for spiritual enhancement as this life goes on, and there’s no race, no hurry to “finish”. Any experience, even any moment, can be as important as the whole journey.

Clearly, you sometimes get angry with yourself, with what you have done or not done. Increasingly, as you swear and stomp you realize how ridiculous this is, and you laugh. You’re then “in My Club”. I can feel anger, just as you do… and more… I can experience every emotion, but as it flows over Me I then have to laugh, and remember how “the whole thing works”… and that I could change… or prevent… what I don’t like, if I should want to. This may seem strange, but it is part of the fun of being Holy Spirit and God.

Hear again what I have often told you – you can never know, for sure, what I have not allowed or caused… what I have prevented. The tragedies, the satanic evils, which you see and hear reported… that you experience… are miniscule in comparison with what “could be”. Anyone who imagines that earth life would be better with no deaths and no “harm” is not “in tune” with Me. I have imagined this, and rejected it as being of much less value, spiritually, than the present scene.

There is no single message about… or perception of… Me. The various passages in Holy Scripture are of varied importance for individual spirits. Even you will respond more to certain passages now than in your earlier life. And other Christians will respond to passages that touch you lightly or not at all. Some need the assurance of an angry God… a just God. Others need, more, the assurance of My love and forgiveness. It is quite a job being ALL that I am needed to be. But it is Mine, and I enjoy it.

WED., FEB. 3, 1999, 8:26 AM
F.P.C., A.S.C.

The letter of Paul’s to those at Thessalonika had some flavor of My wrath, toward both them and their “enemies” (whoever they were). Then you picked a Psalm where again (and, actually, before) I, as God, was angry and punishing. How do I, Holy Spirit, explain this to you, when My many Teachings have not pictured Me this way.

And, first, I ask again that you accept the mystery of My being Three in One. Though I, as Holy Spirit, am separate (even independent of) from . . .

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