An Early-Morning Assessment

SAT., FEB. 27, 1999, 4:05 AM

Well, yes, o son, this is early morning. You knew you should have a Teaching this morning, and you wanted to awaken in time, so here you are. Your desk is incredibly cluttered, as is most of this fine room. The basement is a disgrace for a man with as few responsibilities as you have. You did some good “work” yesterday, and I do note that, too. Yet I recommend considerably more order in your life.

It’s clear you can’t accomplish what you and I both want without more structure and, yes, goals. You don’t anticipate dying for a few more years, but you really wouldn’t want to leave this earth life with the disorder you see and feel around you. Yes, it will require a list and the determination to achieve what is necessary… even what is desirable.

Still… know that I am urging just a better balance in your life. It is a time, now, for minimal accomplishments… a time to enjoy life, day by day, and in total, of what remains. Yet you truly can’t have this desired enjoyment when your life is so “cluttered.” You’ll never be a “neatnik,” but even you are not pleased with your situation, as it is now.

It isn’t possible for you to know, accurately, how life will be, as your computer dependent culture faces this “mistake in judgment” of some years back. You’re making some preparation, but you can’t be sure whether it is sufficient… or whether more in “prevention” is desirable. You’re now two months into this last year of the 1900’s, as your culture assesses time. Basically, you’re looking at the prospects for the future as an “adventure”, but you’re not as comfortable with that as you should be.

You do trust Me as the bedrock of your life. Hence I will “provide” and have you only suffer what is good, for one who has suffered little in this life. Yes, you have wasted some of your substance, but I like your attitude… that any one of these “opportunities” could be a way for Me to help. Don’t quit responding entirely, but don’t let yourself be “hooked”, as some your age and older have.

Continue to have… and exhibit… the positive assessment of your health that became your “way” in the last years of your professional career. That is, pay some attention to losses… and get some medical care… but keep your main focus on what you still have. You have a hand that doesn’t work as it once did… but it is your left hand, some of it still is functional, and you’ve developed some strength and capacities that you didn’t have… “before.” Consider at least trying the therapy approach. You might recover some more function… who knows?

Your feet are still pretty functional, even as the numbness, which is probably permanent, is bothersome at times. Just be pleased that you still can walk, with head up… and even run, when such is necessary… or just a challenge. Give in more often to your inclinations to walk more… and more often.

Your vision is not what you hoped it would be, with new glasses. Yet the “himp” you have had seems to be subsiding, and, with some needed adjustment you should be able to see as well as possible, with eyes the age of yours.

Worry as little as possible about cancer, heart attack or stroke. All of these are possible, in your body, at this age, but just assume that your positive health, and the supplements you take to enhance the positive, will win out over deterioration, for as long as your life should be. Rather than living on with protracted illness or disability you would rather cross on over in good, positive health. This may be possible.

SAT., FEB. 27, 1999, 4:05 AM

Well, yes, o son, this is early morning. You knew you should have a Teaching this morning, and you wanted to awaken in time, so here you are. Your desk is incredibly cluttered, as is most of this fine room. The basement is a disgrace for a man with as few responsibilities as you have. You did some good “work” yesterday, and I do note that, too. Yet I recommend considerably more order in your life.

It’s clear you can’t accomplish what you and I both want without more . . .

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