An Easter Muse

SUN., MAR. 31, 1991, 5:40 AM

As you look out at trees now leafing out you see no evidence of frost, as forecast. Thus you are here on this Ester morn to learn from Me. You are not as “pressed,” as this convention trip approaches, as you sometimes are, but also you have not done all that I suggested you accomplish. But don’t be distracted by thoughts of such. Rather, record My Easter muse, o son.

This day is the remembrance of My overcoming death, as Jesus. I was crucified, and I died. My dead body was prepared and laid in a tomb. On the third day My body was gone from the tomb, and I began to appear, in the same bodily form… and in unrecognizable forms… to those who knew Me. I had risen! I had overcome death. Hallelujah! is the best response to Easter, and you shall sing it this morning.

Easter thus became the means of grace. In My death I took on your sins, even yours in this last decade of the 20th century. My resurrection and return to life symbolize your cleansing and the gift, to you, of new life, untainted by your past sins. So… here is one of the mysteries of Christian life. Does My resurrection really “cover” all of your sins, even those yet uncommitted? The answer, of course, is both Yes and No. You still sin. You still lead an imperfect life. You still must ask for forgiveness, with sincerity. And… with your hand in Mine your sins are forgiven – past, present, and future. Grace is yours. I do not take it back with each show of weakness. My strength overcomes all of your weakness. Live fully, with such an assurance.

But what of the prophesies of My coming again, as Jesus? What about the discussion last evening? You knew I would comment. It was Ken’s evening of presentation, and it was good that you did not challenge him, as you could have. He is a troubled servant who is focusing on these prophesies and trying to match them with present events. This is a Christian path that many in the past have trod, and many shall continue on it. Recognize it, but hear that it is not yours.

Your path is to follow the Scriptures I prescribe and the latter day scriptures that I give you to write. You must never proclaim that the earth scene shall never end. I could end it at any time, in any fashion, including tribulation, armageddon, rapture… whatever. But, I tell you, I am satisfied with this earth as a realm in which spiritual growth takes place. Human life is now thriving. There must be losses of life in the future and these do not represent My wrath, but are merely a balancing of life forms, all of which I have created.

Yours is not the most orthodox of Christian paths, but you are listening to Me, the Holy Spirit, and I do not speak to you as I did to some of the ancient prophets. You are not a prophet. In the total earth scene you are not significant. You are not even significant in your own University setting. And yet you are a unique servant of Mine, to whom I give much attention, in earth/time terms. So accept My Teachings as you hear them, and offer the insights as opportunities are offered to you.

So, I tell you again that the details of a Second Coming, in bodily form are so troublesome that success would require miracles inappropriate to the earth realm. So, if I no longer valued the earth experience I could “do that Coming,” but it would seem to do more harm than good.

While I was on the cross some cried, “Come down. Save yourself. You can do it.” And I could have. Wouldn’t that have been a more dramatic scene? Wouldn’t more people be Christians now if this had happened and was an unchallenged actual world event? I, as Almighty God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, just chose to do it the way you remember this day.

SUN., MAR. 31, 1991, 5:40 AM

As you look out at trees now leafing out you see no evidence of frost, as forecast. Thus you are here on this Ester morn to learn from Me. You are not as “pressed,” as this convention trip approaches, as you sometimes are, but also you have not done all that I suggested you accomplish. But don’t be distracted by thoughts of such. Rather, record My Easter muse, o son.

This day is the remembrance of My overcoming death, as Jesus. I was crucified, and I died. My dead body . . .

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