An Ecological Look At Drugs

SUN., MAY 13, 1990, 6:28 AM

Tomorrow afternoon you commence a new teaching/learning venture. It shall be a short, concentrated course on drugs and human health. Your approach, as it should be, is an ecological one. So hear, o son, as I offer you some thoughts which shall complement and verify yours. You needn’t start a class such as this without such counsel. (Pay attention. This is your priority.)

Substances that your culture defines as drugs are part of My creation. Other such substances that are synthesized and manufactured are an indirect creation, for the human mind, with an expanding knowledge of the chemistry of My creation, can so create. The basic premise is that these have great potential for good… all of them. Yet they also have a comparable capacity for harm. There are natural stimulants, depressants, and psychedelics… and there are synthetic drugs in each category. Some of these latter are not truly necessary, but desires for profit and human curiosity keep them coming.

Here is My perspective. Drugs, when misused, cause harm in individual lives, and I am concerned with the welfare of individuals. But I see the current drug scene somewhat like the flowing of lava from the current volcano now being publicized. It is a natural phenomenon, but it does harm to people and to property in its path. And then, finally, it shall be over, with much damage done. But then, at another time and in another place, it shall erupt and flow again. And other people will be harmed, yet again.

The analogy is not a perfect one, but it is pertinent. Though there supposedly is more human control over drugs than of lava, there is nothing that a single person, or even some group, could do to stop drug use in the earth at this time. Remember the comment on possible diversion of the lava flow away from its natural flow through the town… it would have gone on to someone else’s property and done harm in some different way. If all drug use were magically halted some harm would be prevented, but also some good would be prevented, and other harm would be evident.

I see that most humans do not use, let alone abuse, most drugs. The current drug scene, in its harmful aspects, is much a matter of greed… a misuse of the free enterprise economic system. It is also a matter of human weakness, which does shade into disease. Much disease is the result of human weakness. Such disease then shades into disease that is the result of too hostile an environment, so that even the strong succumb.

At this point it should be obvious that there is no drug substance that is doing universal harm to My human creation. The powerful drugs are not attractive to most people. Results of drug use are natural inhibitors of further use. Most humans do not continue to do something that causes them obvious harm. Also vicarious experience is important. What you see happening to others can influence what you do, positively or negatively.

Another part of My perspective, which I have shared with you in different ways, is this: humans are too numerous on this earth now, and the trend is ominous. Part of the drug “problem,” then, is too many humans who are not appreciated, not educated, and not gainfully and meaningfully employed. Also too many humans have weaknesses which make drug-taking seem desirable, even necessary.

SUN., MAY 13, 1990, 6:28 AM

Tomorrow afternoon you commence a new teaching/learning venture. It shall be a short, concentrated course on drugs and human health. Your approach, as it should be, is an ecological one. So hear, o son, as I offer you some thoughts which shall complement and verify yours. You needn’t start a class such as this without such counsel. (Pay attention. This is your priority.)

Substances that your culture defines as drugs are part of My creation. Other such substances that are synthesized and manufactured are an indirect creation, for the . . .

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