An End-Of-Week Assessment

FRI., JUNE 16, 2000, 12:40 PM

Here you are, o son, in one of your familiar places for a Teaching, part of your “pledge” to have one each day that Lenore is away. This is your “third-string” pen, I notice, but, true, it is not used for any secular purpose. The week “winds” to its close, with some accomplishments… and quite a lot of leisure. (This is not a criticism. This is your time in this life to pretty much do what you feel like doing, with few time constraints or deadlines.)

I note that you have more than a good start on Our Ruminations, and, as you expected, after your first page or so of Introduction I shall be the major contributor. It was so in the last one. Is this a new trend? Just go with “the feel” and don’t worry. These don’t all have to be the same, in balance ‘twixt you and Me.

It is not a surprise that your life has felt odd and disconnected this week, with Lenore gone. As I said in one of the Teachings you’re using, of 5 or 6 years ago, you are not a perfect match for each other, but it still was My guidance and initiative that brought you together… and kept you together for these more than… let’s say… 50 years. Neither of you could have had a better life partner, for I see some diversity in personality and way of living as desirable.

An “assessment” of your Farm and your Farm-house tell you that you probably should have done more this week to put it in “better order”. Because you tend to be slower in all that you do you could still find yourself with little leisure and “quiet time” if you were still “the accomplisher” you were for most of your life. You are changing your pace and pattern of life more easily than your conscience regarding what you should be doing. Be patient. You’ll “get it all together” in the near future.

You did cancel your appointment for a laser zap of your muumuu eye, and, at this time, I approve. Keep assessing your vision, but consider the balance with your cancer(s), and be wary of “being treated” for possible improvement in function. There may be a time in the future when this procedure should be done, but don’t forget or deny your “holistic” view of health. At your age any powerful medical procedure may do what is expected of it, but also there is an increasing probability that some other aspect of your body will be adversely affected.

It’s pretty clear now that you have an excessive number of Teachings for this next Letter. It is a good theme, one of My favorites, so I’d say, “Go ahead and write the next one…” a “sequel”, more or less. There are so many facets of this earth scene, as I have created it and look after it. I am in charge. I am, finally, responsible for the outcomes of events, even as human initiative is also a factor. And always remember the length of any one life, human, is of little consequence. And “more is not better in human lives”. You are quite satisfied that your life has been lived just about as I wanted it to be, and there is little “need” for your life to be much longer. You can accept this and do almost look forward to the next life experience.

You do have some concerns about Lenore, as a widow, but you see her as a good adapter, still… and that the family will “rally round” to take care of her. Perhaps she will not live much longer, but then… I can’t tell you how this will work out.

It is good that you have this relatively neat place on campus to “inhabit” in various ways, including, of course, this as a fine place for Teachings. Because I was with you during your long teaching and professional career I like to come to you in this compact setting… as I did in the more spacious office you had for more years. Sometime, perhaps soon, perhaps not-so-, you will have to vacate this. So, as a prelude, sometime soon go through your books at home, realistically choosing what you will keep and what should be given away. You don’t need, yet, to consider your future incapacities to read, but this could be a factor.

FRI., JUNE 16, 2000, 12:40 PM

Here you are, o son, in one of your familiar places for a Teaching, part of your “pledge” to have one each day that Lenore is away. This is your “third-string” pen, I notice, but, true, it is not used for any secular purpose. The week “winds” to its close, with some accomplishments… and quite a lot of leisure. (This is not a criticism. This is your time in this life to pretty much do what you feel like doing, with few time constraints or deadlines.)

I note that you . . .

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