An Evening Discussion

MON., DEC. 14, 1986, 5:55 AM

This is a rather “unorthodox” way to receive a Teaching, but I’ll accept that it is the best use of time. You feel a responsibility in which time is a factor, but you also surmise, accurately, that I have called you from sleep for this lesson. So, listen well, o son.

The evening discussion was an excellent use of time, speaking of that earth “commodity.” It is obvious that the spirits of these young women have been energized by academic and personal experiences, and they do love to talk about and listen to spiritual matters and interpretations. You are partly responsible for this. It is a form of evangelism of which you are capable. If We continue to work together through your classes, and, particularly, the summer workshop, We should be able to maintain a student “group”. It was years ago that I encouraged this… but I’ll accept the admonition that time isn’t of great importance. As these people finish their programs and move on don’t let this die. You can show a little initiative in urging some younger people to be part of the group also.

One part of the discussion dealt with the struggle to know when to let Me guide and direct and when to exert your own initiatives and energies. This will vary from person to person and situation to situation. Some I direct quite directly and forcefully. Others… not so. Your willingness to put your hand in Mine is a factor, assuredly, but it is not the only one of importance. Some who seek My guidance get very little that they can discern. There are reasons for this beyond your understanding. (You needn’t be concerned, personally, for I am not stingy with My lessons for you.) Others come to Me quite reluctantly, but finally cannot resist.

When you seek Me in prayer, especially with some supplication, you must have faith that I hear and that I answer. Then whatever happens is My answer. If the supplication is not granted as you desire, then the answer is that what you want is not what I want… or that you must accomplish the desired result without divine intervention. Just know that I always hear… and do answer.

I’ll affirm again that karma is the basic law of continuing, eternal life. And with you I’ll emphasize the positive – when you function well spiritually… not for your own selfish interests… this accumulates, making this life of spiritual power more and more available. All that you are doing now, that is “of spirit,” is accumulating, making further spiritual development easier and more obvious. This is a more important understanding about karma than the more negative notions about disabilities of various kinds.

Let Me offer this illustration. This is the Christmas season, which is, fundamentally, the remembrance of My birth as Jesus. Mary, who was chosen to be the mother of this child who was to be the Christ, was an advanced soul with a positive, accumulated karma of spiritual power. Then I, the Holy Spirit, came upon her, and she conceived. Thus, the babe was that mystical combination of advanced human spirit and pure spirit – God in human form.

The evening discussion should push you to analyze the courses that you will teach this new term for the inclusion of spirit, both in content and in process. Be sure that you don’t let the environment class deteriorate into an over-concern for the pollutions generated. Keep your emphasis on the positive aspects of planet Earth and on its role in the development of spirit, as a path of health.

MON., DEC. 14, 1986, 5:55 AM

This is a rather “unorthodox” way to receive a Teaching, but I’ll accept that it is the best use of time. You feel a responsibility in which time is a factor, but you also surmise, accurately, that I have called you from sleep for this lesson. So, listen well, o son.

The evening discussion was an excellent use of time, speaking of that earth “commodity.” It is obvious that the spirits of these young women have been energized by academic and personal experiences, and they do love to talk about . . .

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