An Exciting Future

TUES., JULY 26, 1988, 12:45 PM

The future will not be just like the present, just as the present is not just like the past. I am not bothered by change, for, remember, I am part of a very wide variety of ways of living, even this day. And over the years of human life in the earth I have been part of virtually every life style imaginable. I have told you the future will have fewer people, but I haven’t said when or how this reduction will come about. This will bring more good than bad, though there will be considerable sadness experienced by many who lose friends or family “needlessly”.

The future will be exciting, say I, the Holy Spirit. It will be some as-yet undetermined amalgam of technological progress and return to systems or forms practiced in yesteryear. It will not be a “perfect world,” as Westerners would envision such, but it will be perfect in My design – a perfect environment in which each individual is challenged toward spiritual growth… which includes the everpresent possibility of failing, “losing ground,” or at least not making progress.

The most exciting aspect of the future is that there shall be more opportunities for spiritual development and a greater openness to spiritual experiences by more people. The balance, at least, shall shift toward more acceptance of spirit as an active factor in life, death, illness and wellness, and more appreciation of myriad ways to cultivate spirit… in self and in others.

You can envision various futures for yourself, even as you favor a basic continuation of life as you now are living it. Your excitement shall come in doing better, more creatively, and more lovingly what you do now. It shall even increase in working with students who want to develop their own research and program approaches to spirit as a part of health. Writing shall continue, and you shall have more opportunities, like unto this early morning devotional group, where people appreciate what you do and say.

Eschew excess humility, for many opportunities cannot come to fruition without your active “entering in.” Yet also eschew desires to be better at something than are others. As I have told you many times, there is very little at which you will be outstanding. In most of what you do, you will be bested by others. Your place in life is not to be outstanding but to serve Me, faithfully, continually, and fervently. Compliment those who shine beyond your contributions and accomplishments. Some just have more talent and ability. Others are responding to a call from Me to accomplish… and may need the boost that you can give.

The value of considering a wide range of scenarios concerning the future is in developing greater capacity to accept unexpected and seemingly undesirable changes, toward a future seen as inferior to others. I don’t promise you a completely predictable future. Even if you initially feel disappointment you can look for excitement, in the best sense. When your cows are out (which they surely shall in the future) let this be to you more exciting than frustrating.

My servant Herb has suggested looking for a publisher of a book of Ruminations. This is a rather good suggestion, but quite premature. Don’t seek the opportunity but please be open if something should develop. There is no plan for this in the near future, but then I don’t define this span of time either.

Continue to live your physical life with some “sacrifices” – self encouraged modes of hard work, adaptation to temperatures, and doing some things “the hard way”. This could make future transitions easier and prepare you better for the future than a strictly sedentary life.

Even do some writing of your own about the future. You like to write, and there shall be chances for you to work some of My insights into speculations about the times ahead. It can be exciting to see a trend developing, which is based on some scenario of yours (even ours).

TUES., JULY 26, 1988, 12:45 PM

The future will not be just like the present, just as the present is not just like the past. I am not bothered by change, for, remember, I am part of a very wide variety of ways of living, even this day. And over the years of human life in the earth I have been part of virtually every life style imaginable. I have told you the future will have fewer people, but I haven’t said when or how this reduction will come about. This will bring more . . .

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