An Experience

JULY 6, 1979, 5:30 AM

Well, there certainly is an interesting rhythm to this experience. Yesterday morning the theme came leaping at me, and the writing flowed like a mighty river, and this morning I receive nothing. Static. Clutter. Deadends. Yet I have been called to appreciate this situation equally with that of abundance. There is a rhythm from plenty to want, from abundance to poverty. Each is a part of the other. Each is an important life experience.

(This 1st paragraph, and part of the 2nd (up to “the willingness and the capacity, too”) was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

The feelings are hard to deal with, because the situation of plenty is so inherently more satisfying, and this is so clearly frustrating. But, I must remember, each is important. Each is potentially educative. Each has merit… in understanding the other, in understanding self and in appreciating the relationship with the Holy Spirit. I write, and I feel open, but the Spirit cometh not. So many times in the last two months the Spirit has begun to speak… initially, or after some writing… even in mid-sentence… so I know the feeling. And it clearly is different from now. At this time I am writing, and the I is not the Spirit. And I am called upon to be as aware of this non-experience as I am of the full experience, because out of this rhythm comes health… the willingness and the capacity, too, o son, to be aware and to appreciate the many situations and processes that I present to you. You did well. I would not enter, and I wanted you to experience that again. You have reacted in various ways. This way, this morning, pleased Me. You waited, and then you went ahead on your own. That is a good rhythm.

But it is not the only acceptable one. It is also right, at times, to just wait upon Me. When nothing comes can you appreciate that nothingness… that withholding? Can you be patient when nothing occurs. That is hard for you. That is a part of the rhythm of life that you must cultivate.

But just for the experience. This morning’s reaction was more typically you, and, remember, I have chosen you and guided your growth and development, so that as I use you now I should use your strengths as they have developed. So it is of Me when you tend to do something you can and like to do, rather than nothing, or that which you do not do well.

You are feeling that this Elementary Project is not for you. I have told you that it may not be… but go ahead and do this necessary for the try-out. It may be a trial of another sort. At this time I shall not say.

You are aware, inside, of what you must ultimately do… of what you must ultimately write. The question is: should you be into that now or should you be building more credibility in the field… a higher professional mountain from which to proclaim spiritual truth? I burn the questions in your mind. The answers will come. Just proceed.

JULY 6, 1979, 5:30 AM

Well, there certainly is an interesting rhythm to this experience. Yesterday morning the theme came leaping at me, and the writing flowed like a mighty river, and this morning I receive nothing. Static. Clutter. Deadends. Yet I have been called to appreciate this situation equally with that of abundance. There is a rhythm from plenty to want, from abundance to poverty. Each is a part of the other. Each is an important life experience.

(This 1st paragraph, and part of the 2nd (up to “the willingness and the capacity, too”) was written by Bob . . .

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