An Experience In Living

SUN., APR. 14, 1985, 7:48 AM

The all-day conference on living continuously (with focus on past lives) was a true experience in living, and I am pleased to comment upon it, adding another important dimension. You participated well, o son. You took the chance of revealing yourself as a special servant of Mine, a receiver of Teachings… and no one seemed surprised or interested. Accept that as a humbling lesson, and continue to be cautious about this revelation.

Your post conference observation was rather accurate… My Teachings to you have told of the continuous nature of life, which gives credence to the reality of “past lives” in relation to the apparent reality of this one, the one you are experiencing now. I also have told you that while some souls have been in the earth many times (and you are one), others are living incarnated for the first time. Yet these may be quite developed in spirit. In terms of soul development the earth’s population is about as diverse as it is in color, size, appearance, and language… a tremendous mixture.

I shall also reiterate a theme of the meeting: that the only real value in knowing about past lives is in order that you might live this one in a more loving, conscious, and appreciative way. Oh, there’s nothing wrong with talking about suspected past lives with people who believe as you do. It’s a form of reminiscence akin to talking about your childhood, or other segments of this life. Don’t take details too seriously, but also don’t feel that I disapprove of such sharing.

The sharing that went on in the group that formed was beautiful. That was the major experience in living, and you must prepare well to recreate such a time of sharing in your summer workshop. You realize now that the element that was not shared was their relationship to Me. You could (and should) have pressed more toward such a sharing, and you didn’t. You could have done it quite naturally, and you didn’t. I must chastise you for that. This experience cannot be repeated, and in this instance you failed, but it shall be a lesson for future experiences, which you certainly shall have.

The major element of interest in any consideration of past lives should be… how, in what ways, how intensively, and why did you (or anyone) relate to Me. Were you a monk who studied, pondered, and worked in solitude, but in communion with Me? Were you one who denied your faith in adversity? or who stood up and took punishment for integrity? Were you one who accepted Me as the Great Spirit, manifesting Myself in the wind, the rocks, and the animals, as well as in human lives? Were you a gnostic and yet caring about other people? What are the ways you have worshipped that undergird your middle class Presbyterian presence now? This is a more important focus for reverie than romance, finances, vocation, etc. When people are willing to share thoughts, convictions, and experiences concerning past lives, within the context of the readings from My servant Edgar, a thoroughly committed Christian, they certainly should not shy away from speculating on their religious “heritage”. You are hearing My challenge. Develop such a work sheet, and share it with those who do this course, particularly My servant Lynn.

SUN., APR. 14, 1985, 7:48 AM

The all-day conference on living continuously (with focus on past lives) was a true experience in living, and I am pleased to comment upon it, adding another important dimension. You participated well, o son. You took the chance of revealing yourself as a special servant of Mine, a receiver of Teachings… and no one seemed surprised or interested. Accept that as a humbling lesson, and continue to be cautious about this revelation.

Your post conference observation was rather accurate… My Teachings to you have told of the continuous nature . . .

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